Friday 8 October 2021

Ratri Suktam Rig Veda - Word to Word Meaning and Commentary

Ratri Suktam is recited as a portion of Devi Maahaatmyam.It is actually from the Rig Veda.

Saturday 2 October 2021

Untold: Christian Inculturation Through Tamizh Shaivism in Malaysia

In my previous article, I wrote on how the anti-Hindus are pretending to be Shaivites to destroy the Vedic culture

Saturday 25 September 2021

Beware : Anti-Hindus Are Using Shaivism to Spread Hatred Among Hindus in Malaysia !

The Shaiva Siddhantam movement in Malaysia is doing a commendable job in emphasizing devotion to Paramashiva. But there is more to this. The movement is actually controlled by anti-Hindus who intend to create division among Hindus.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Saturday 28 August 2021

Sunlight As Combination of 7 wavelengths Explained in Vedas

You would have been taught on the subset wavelengths that make up white colour in primary school.You might have even created your mini rainbow by exposing a prism to the sunrays.

Thursday 12 August 2021

This is How Youtuber Praveen Mohan Misguides Hindus - Take Precaution With His Channel

Praveen Mohan is a famous youtube personality who has garnered a lot of viewers from the Hindu community. His clickbait titles are often jaw dropping.

Saturday 31 July 2021

Betrayal : This Lady Misused the Vedas She Learnt from Me # The Reason Why The Vedas Were Not Taught To Everyone !

 Online Veda classes has definitely helped me extend my reach to a global platform.Thanks to technology,I can now help and inspire enthusiasts with Vedam learning wherever they are.

Saturday 24 July 2021

How Does The Covid-19 Vaccine Work ? Understanding mRNA Vaccines

Ther prime factor that can protect you from an infection that you have been introduced to - your own immunity.A vaccine is just a 'trick' used to enhance your immunity in way you desire.

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Your Nail Polish Can Give A False Oximeter Reading ! This Article Explains On How An Oximeter Works

The 'Pulse Oximeter' has expanded into the vocab of many with this pandemic.This device is used to measure the oxygenation in your body - which is the concern of physicians as the covid19 virus can inflame the lung bad enough to reduce one's capacity to send enough oxygen to his cells drastically.

Thursday 15 July 2021

Why is An 'Airborne' Covid19 Virus So Dangerous ? Social Distancing No Longer Guarantees Protection !

The Delta variant of covid-19,plays an important role to the observable spike in the daily statistics - primarily due to its airborne nature

Thursday 22 April 2021

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Praveen Mohan Debunked - Lord Vishvakarma and The Mysterious Theodolite - Decoded


The vigraha of Lord Vishvakarma shown above went viral across the net some months back.Facebook experts proclaim that the instruments held by the deity are none other than a theodolite and levelling rod.

Sunday 7 February 2021

The Mysterious Forest Devi of Rig Veda - Aranyani Suktam

In the Rig Veda, we have a portion which reveals a mysterious deity of the forest region ( Aranyani ).This portion is found as the 10th Mandala as the 146th Sukta. It is colloquially called 'AraNyaani Suuktam' ( AraNya : forest )

Saturday 30 January 2021

The Cult of BrahmaKumari - A New Age Method of Destroying Hinduism

The new-age trend of defaming Hinduism - Using random facets of Hinduism to attack Hinduism itself.This skill is mastered by The Brahmakumari Cult Group

Thursday 28 January 2021

Muruga - The Form Of Agni

Lord Muruga as a deity has many interesting aspects to Him.The contemporary depiction of Muruga is often devoid of the facets attributed to Him in the past.