Monday, 8 June 2015

Actual picture of Lord Krishna

( Krishna as how He appeared in His late teens, after killing Kamsa)  

On 6-9-1977 Swami Sathya Sai Baba gave a historic discourse on the Divine Life and times of Lord Krishna.

 Swami said, "Lord Shri Krishna wore a necklace of green beads, a nose ring of pearl, and on his right ear a ring of pearls. He wore no shirt or coat. Just yellow silk around his waist and a turban wound around the head".

 The peacock feather that is described by poets and sages was not always worn. It was stuck in the turban occasionally. Peacocks abound in Brindavan and are in plenty even today. On his bare chest, there was a mole that could be clearly seen, a mark of all Avatars.  

 Krishna's complexion was neither fair nor dark. It was 3 parts dark and 1 part fair, an amalgam of both. Since they were Vaishnavas the parents placed a line of musk on the centre of the brow. He wore silver bangles on His wrists those that cowherd boys wore those days in that part of the country.

*Krishna's complexion is described as 'neela megha shyama' in scriptures.It refers to the complexion of rain filled clouds.Rain filled clouds are 3 parts dark and 1 part bright*

( The time of Shri Krishna's advent was about 5000 years ago and Shri Rama,20 000 years ago ) 

 These authentic forms of Krishna were materialised by Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba.

( Materialise means to create by Divine will. In divine plane,time and space do not exist.They only affect the physical plane. Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba is known to materialize items and gifts for devotees with the swing of His hand - be it from the times of Krishna or Rama )



 Translation : Experiencing that this objective world is the product of his subjective consciousness, he can create and manifest any object or matter or occurrence that he thinks or desires in this Universe, within time and space

Baba has also materialised a lot of fascinating items that existed during the Ramayana - Click here to view 

The image of Krishna above also has an interesting occurrence in Mathura. 

Quoting from authentic source :  

In Mathura, some portraits of lord Krishna were placed on His altar and the curtains were closed...Miraculously, this particular picture had Chandanam paste and flower showered over it... So, this particular portrait of Krishna is believed to be blessed by Krishna Himself..."" 

Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba also narrates :

 The Kankans ( bangles ) that Krishna wore were not mere bangles or kankans. 

They had profound implications.One rite that every Hindu has to honor before embarking on any enterprise of a sacred nature like performing a Yajna or undertaking a vow or taking on a new stage of life was the tying of a Kankan to the wrist in memory of the determination that he evinces to fulfill that vow or carry out the duties of that stage of life.

Krishna had taken 3 vows and the Kankans were symbolic of his determination to fulfill them. They are as mentioned by Him in the Gita:

(Dharma Samsthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge) : I shall incarnate in every age to revive Dharma.

(Yogakshemam Vahamyaham) : I shall bear the burden of ensuring peace and prosperity of all who rely on Me.

(Mokshayishyami Maa Sucha) : I shall save all those who surrender wholeheartedly to Me and I shall liberate them from the cycle of birth and death.

Krishna at the age of 8

 These are the actual images of Lord Krishna - as materialized by Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba. He gifted a ring with the actual picture of Krishna to a devotee named Ramesh Adhikari. He was the husband of Bharosha, a woman whom Sathya Sai resurrected from death and filled her life with miracles...

Meditation on this picture has proven to be extremely powerful to many


  1. I never seen Krsna .. Let me feel some miracle with both pics. Then I will let u know.. But I admire that u feel so confident that both pic are lork pic

  2. I never seen Krsna .. Let me feel some miracle with both pics. Then I will let u know.. But I admire that u feel so confident that both pic are lork pic

    1. Admin : Nevertheless,everything is the Lord's form as He is present in everything.The picture is meant to be a tool for intensifying devotion and as a lovely eye-dessert ..

    2. Thank you Admin. Thank you so much. I feel like crying with joy. This picture is so divine. Tons of thanks to you.

    3. Thank you Admin. Thank you so much. I feel like crying with joy. This picture is so divine. Tons of thanks to you.

    4. ADMIN : you are most welcome. Jai Hare Krishna.

    5. It will not work for you.
      You want to test that let's see if it works or not..
      You have doubt.It will not work for you.

      Science asks for proof and then you develop the faith.
      Spirituality or Yoga asks for faith(unwavering faith) and then there are results

    6. Hey Amit it's been more than 8years what's your update?

  3. People see Krishna the way they want to see..To be frank,I imagined the face of little Krishna in my childhood and kept him as my friend for all these years.The wonder is,his 'face' I imagined as a child grew up along with me,and now its the most handsome face I have ever seen.My mind picture is so clear that I feel myself guided by him always....and obviously,I am amazed how that little Krishna face grown and matured over time,like a living man!....Very good article..Keep writing 👍

    1. Admin : Thank you Arsha :) . Great experience from you.

    2. Yes;I feel very happy and I believe that it is real pic of
      Sri Krishna

  4. Replies
    1. ADMIN : I hope you experience it yourself :P :D cheers.

  5. From the time I have seen this picture I m so hypnotized n have become so found of it when ever I close my eyes the same pic comes in front of me adding to it I have kept same as wallpaper to my phone and I keep watching it oftentimes in day n top of it my mind my heart has started believing that this is real picture of Krishna whom I m worshipping from my childhood days and after seeing this picture my bond my connect is even more closer to my krishna... I'll try to meditate in front of this picture n try to see if connection goes to dwarka days... Thanks for posting and keep sharing... Jai Shree Krishna...

    1. Admin : Thank you Kinjal Kshatri.. Very happy to hear this from you. :) :) :) God is beyond forms.. but it is always special to see the personality of our favourite personality of God in his acutual glory :) :D

  6. From the time I have seen this picture I m so hypnotized n have become so found of it when ever I close my eyes the same pic comes in front of me adding to it I have kept same as wallpaper to my phone and I keep watching it oftentimes in day n top of it my mind my heart has started believing that this is real picture of Krishna whom I m worshipping from my childhood days and after seeing this picture my bond my connect is even more closer to my krishna... I'll try to meditate in front of this picture n try to see if connection goes to dwarka days... Thanks for posting and keep sharing... Jai Shree Krishna...

  7. But we know lord krishna's body colour is blue. In this picture we don't see that? ???????

    1. ADMIN : Krishna had a blueish complexion.. I don't think He literally appeared as in painted blue like in movies and cartoons.

    2. It's not blue. For example water is colourless but oceans seems to be blue, and many painters had painted oceans and sky with blue colour.

  8. But we know lord krishna's body colour is blue. In this picture we don't see that? ???????

    1. It was not blue.That is mere illustration of artists to show His divinity.

      Krshna is described as 'neela megha shyama' - the colour of rain filled clouds.

      Take a look at rain filled clouds..

  9. This pic is real photo of raziya sultan. 1st muslim freedom fighter... don't spread fake photos

    1. ADMIN : Seriously ???? I mean you are saying Raziya Sultan wore Hindu symbols like Tilak and kept a peacock feather ? Next joke please

    2. Shut up,you Muslim are like that only, this is the real image of lord Krishna,

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I've seen him. He was sitting next to Rahda, Buddha took me to a temple in which they both were sitting in some snake chair, it was after I had activated all my Chakras for the first time. I felt enlightened after seeing them.. He was darkish blue and she was on the yellow side. They both wore silk and gold and precious stones. The universe swirling around as planets were being created. Wish I didn't have to leave but my body was calling me back

  12. But we all know that lord krishna existed in the earth about 5000 years ago and u also mention that. How is it possible to collect his real image after so many years? After so many years how clean and neat the pic is!!!!!!!
    And even is it possible to collect lord's childhood images???????
    It's hard to believe that the picture is authentic

    1. ADMIN : Please read the article carefully.It is produced by Baghwan Baba.. It's not 5000 years old picture.

  13. But we all know that lord krishna existed in the earth about 5000 years ago and u also mention that. How is it possible to collect his real image after so many years? After so many years how clean and neat the pic is!!!!!!!
    And even is it possible to collect lord's childhood images???????
    It's hard to believe that the picture is authentic

  14. But we all know that lord krishna existed in the earth about 5000 years ago and u also mention that. How is it possible to collect his real image after so many years? After so many years how clean and neat the pic is!!!!!!!
    And even is it possible to collect lord's childhood images???????
    It's hard to believe that the picture is authentic

  15. But how it is produced? Is it worshipped in vrindaban? So how does lord produce it?one day he came in earth again after 5000 years and told somebody that it's the image of his that existed in mahabharat.
    And u told that he had bluish complexion but in it has nothing that match with lord description that has given in literature.
    I request you don't spread falls image as your description and what we know is very different.

    1. ADMIN : Baba materialised things for devotees sake.It's by divine will.. Ultimately time and space is just relative.

      I request you to instead of arguing,either appreciate or ignore.Im just sharing an authentic picture of Lord Krishna.The miracle in Mathura also proves it .THank you.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. So I asked you what is the miracle happened in mathura? you have no it's not a authentic picture of's better to be a non believer than to be a cheater

    1. I request you to read the article properly -_- .. It is well written there...

  17. When I first saw this image of Krishna on the ring I knew it was what Krishna really looked like because beloved Krishna revealed himseself to me in a dream. I recently came across an image of Krishna in someone's Puja room in Dheli. I immediately recognized it from the ring.They bought the print 70 years ago. Now the picture that was put in Brindavan must have been this print. This means the original artist must have had a Divinely inspired vision since Sai Baba materialized the same image. Doing a google reverse image search of the photograph I took of the image I found an original print on ebay from 1934. I can send my pic for you to upload for your readers.

    1. ADMIN : Thanks for sharing.Sure. Email to .

    2. Please also send me on

    3. Dear Mayiliraga or Vinnith, I am very sorry to thank you too late. I felt very better and happy of received Actual Original Face which I was longing from many years because I love Beautiful and Kind Lord ShriKrishna very much... Lord ShriKrishna bless you for eternity. If you have more real photos, please send me on email i.e. requesting you.

    4. Please please send me that picture too...My email is

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. no.i didn't think this would be the real image of sri krishna. because the complexion of lord krishna's skin was dark blue at that time.but here it is white.i respect your devotion towards sri krishna.but there do you know the lord krishna is not so easy to get.if you want proof than study the story of meerabai.

    1. ADMIN : His skin wasn't blue.This is a misconception.He is said to have a blueish complexion or appearance.. Sri Krishna appeared as a normal 'person'.Avatars are like that.Even during His avatarhood,only few people recognised Him as Divine incarnate.Even his own brother who was considered to be an expression of Krishna Himself DID NOT recognise Krishna as divine.

      Meerabhai is the epitome of devotion.. What she got was not the mere 'vision of Krishna ' but the liberation. SHe experienced Krishna as her very life.It is different from merely knowing how Krishna looked like.

  20. you cannot easily see the picture of sri krishna.and once you really see him,i gurrenty you that you would surely forget the outerworld and would soon get veragya(a hindi word which means get completely in love with the supreme lord and leave the world.)

    1. ADMIN : If that was true, the thousands of thousands who saw Krishna's physical form 5000 years ago would have been liberated.You don't need a form if you are open and devoted enough to be liberated..and no matter even if Krishna Himself appears to an unripe person - he can't be liberated

  21. Jai Shri Krishna! It is our good fortune and the blessings of our previous good karma's to have got a glimpse of Lord Shri Krishna's picture manifested by our revered guru Shri Sai. Pranams to the dear Lord, the universal guru Shri Krishna, as is said in Gita all is Krishna, Krishna is all. The one who understands the meaning of this universal truth with a true heart and a purified mind becomes one with Krishna. Let there be no ambiguity! Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

  22. Arvind kumar,
    "true story"
    Dear friends my age 28.i was not interest in shri krishna at all.i was follow other gods.i was never think about shri krishna.but month of feberuary, i hv a question in my mind who makes earth,sun,air,moon who who.i was thinking so many time.
    suddanly i saw dream nd god shri krishna telling me read bhagavat day i m shoked what happen i told this incident my girl friend nd my best friends.then i read bhagavat gita and my tears start.i could not control my i love krishna.he is supreme god.
    jai shri krishna.

  23. Mandhara Gandha Samyuktham Chaaru-haasam Chathur-bhujam; |

    Parhipinjaa Vasoodaangam Krishnam Vandhe’ Jagathgurum ||
    To get more details about mantras, bhajans, pujas and chants,
    download mangaldeep app and get all benefits, 

  24. Thank you for such good explanation and it makes one feel so received after reading it. I thank GOD for sending devotees like you who share and association with you really benefits us in uplifting our spirituality.

    1. Keep sharing.
      Importantly this picture should aid devotees' to strengthen their devotion

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hare Krsna, Please refer to Srimad Bhagavatham to understand the definition of bhagavan.

    In sumnary, Bhagavan should possess these 6 opulences unlimitedly :

    1. All beauties
    2. All fame
    3. All strength
    4. All wealth
    5. All knowledge
    6. All renunciation

    If one has all this unlimitedly, then he is Bhagavan.

    Krishna lifted Govardan hill at the age of 7 for 7 days with his left little finger.

    Krsna knows past,present and future. Krsna attracts every living entities, he is All Attractive.

    Krsna is eternal, he is not affected by the 4 miseries of this material world, named as Birth, Death, Old age and Disease.

    Not even a blade of grass moves without the will of Krsna.

    Krsna is Sac Cid Ananda Vigraha.

    Only Krsna possesses all these 6 opulences.

    For further description and explanation, please refer to Srimad Bhagavatham.

    1. True Prabhu. Thank you so much for this sharing. Haribol !

  27. This is the real image of Lord krishna. As far as his colour is concerned I suggest people to read "Gospel of sri ramakrishna". Paramahamsa was a great devotee of kali.when once a devotee asked ramakrishna about the colour of goddess kali. The reply he gave was " when you see the god from far away , the colour of her is black. But as you go along in spiritual path and go nearer to her , you will find the truth that she doesn't have any colour or format to describe ".when you see the sky , it's colour is blue.when you see the ocean from up above again the colour is blue. But only when you go nearer to either of them you realise for yourself that they are colourless. Similarly gods like sathya sai baba, paramahamsa, krishna, rama ,ramana maharishi incarnate according to the needs and temperament of devotees.


  28. No one has seen krishna or rama .we have to go by scriptures.we need to imagine the Lord as beautiful as possible....everything is his creation...Hare krishna...

  29. ഓം നമോ ഭഗവതേ വാസുദേവായ

  30. ഓം നമോ ഭഗവതേ വാസുദേവായ

  31. It is the real image of lord Krishna
    Jai Shri Krishna!!!!

  32. Real images can be recognised easily

  33. thankyou. I felt blessed to even view these pictures. I have often seen Krishna in dreams and clearly seen the pearl ear ring. I have even seen him as a teenager without the crown or turban or feather. It was HIS wish that I should see this on facebook and I don't mind if people make fun of me. I have experienced him too many times

  34. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol

  35. Shri krishna ji Ko jisne bhi feel kiya wo mujhe msg kre

  36. Kuch bhi..
    Philosophy ke sir n btaya tha "religion is best drug"

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  39. Segalanya adalah Tuhan Shri KRSNA tidak ada ang bukan Beliau di seluruh ciptaan dan seluruh alam semesta ini.
    saya dari indonesia segala kasih sayang dan lawatan TUHAN SHRI KRSNA .
    dan semua akan mendapat lawatan yg sama

  40. Complete bullshit article. Period.

  41. can you saw us RadhaRani actual photo

  42. He Is Not the One.
    He Was Exisiting,
    He is Exisiting,(he can Be You he can Be me Or He Can Be someone else)
    He will Exist,
    Not with same Physical Body,
    Nor With the body of Human,
    A Energy Having Inttelignece Is Spreaded All Over The Universe Exisiting Everywhere.
    Just a Part Of it Take A Birth As huaman On Earth to Manage The thing And diret things.

    He is Exisiting on Another Planet(Where Life exisitng) Playing same Role as Krishna On another the form Of Those Living Organism.

  43. Lord krishna and lord ram both Belongs to different different yugs. Each yug have end differences of lakhs of years. So how the hell u wrote that 'The time of lord krishna's advent was about 5000 years ago and shree ram's was 20000 years ago'. Krishna was lived 5000 years ago is truth. But Lord Ram lived till end of Tretayug, and after his life , Dwaparyug started. And now we are in kalyug.

    And dwaparyug was of 8,64,000 years , and in kalyug, 5122 years of kalyug has already passed .(this is 5123rd year of kalyug)

    So lord Ram lived 864000+5122=869123 years ago.

  44. Didn’t Sai baba took samadhi in 1918? How come he gave this on 1977 ?
    Just a small doubt hoping from this heart this is real 😭😭
