Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Bukit Selarong Karumariamman # Mystical Temples of Malaysia

The rural landscapes that branch the surface of this nation is synonymous with mysticism.Every state in Malaysia still preserves the aura of its ancient folklore which would raise anyone's brows and even send a chilly impulse down the spine.

Monday, 18 March 2019

11 Ways of Reading Vedas - Significance of Ghanapatham

History of Vedas : A Brief Introduction

The entire cosmos is a reverberation. Reverberation means sound energy. In other words, what you perceive as the cosmos is simply a hologram projected from core vibrations.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Alakshmirme or Lakshmirme ? Shri Suktam Clarification

Shri Suktam is a portion of the Vedas attributed to the aspect of wealth and the expression of Lakshmi.