Shiva upasana mantra is part of the Taittirya Aranyaka.This is the forest treaties ( part of the Vedas traditionally learnt in the forest region ) of the Yajur Veda.It occurs in the 10th Prashna,Anuvakas 16-25.It also comes as a portion in the Mahanarayana Upanishad,Yajur Veda.
Shivopasana Mantra by my student and me.
Introduction to Vedas
Various truths downloaded by various Rishis gave rise to the ocean of Vedas. Veda Vyasa later compiled these Vedas and classified them. This is how the 4 Vedas came into existence. Each of these Vedas had many branches. Each branch had 4 components :
The Shivopasana mantra begins with 22 names which end with 'namaha'.Namaha comes from two roots. Na = not , maha = me. So Namaha means = not me. So by uttering 'namaha', we disidentify ourselves from all illusions - our identification with the body and mind. Ultimately,we become empty and realise that we are Atma. Each of the description of Lord Shiva manifests in ourself like nectar which fills an empty cup. Namaha does not mean salutations. Namaha is the secret code to empty ourselves like a cup to receive the nectar in the form of Shiva- to ultimately realise that WE are that which is Shiva.
The entire Universe is reverberating. When there is reverberation, there is sound. In other words, the entire cosmos is simply a manifestation of sound energy. The ancient Vedic sages through penance, were able to download cosmic data directly. They received cosmic truths in the form of sounds that they envisioned. These truths were recited as received, and passed on generation after generation.
Various truths downloaded by various Rishis gave rise to the ocean of Vedas. Veda Vyasa later compiled these Vedas and classified them. This is how the 4 Vedas came into existence. Each of these Vedas had many branches. Each branch had 4 components :
(1) samhita
(2) brahmana
(3) aranyaka
(4) Upanishad
nidhana pataye namaha
Namaha ( namah) to the lord ( pataye ) of the dissolution ( nidhana ) of the universe.
nidhana pataantikaaya namaha
Namaha ( namah ) to He who puts an end to the Lord of Death ( pataantikaaya ) by granting us immortality
uurdhvaaya namaha
Namaha ( namah) to the lord ( pataye ) of the dissolution ( nidhana ) of the universe.
nidhana pataantikaaya namaha
Namaha ( namah ) to He who puts an end to the Lord of Death ( pataantikaaya ) by granting us immortality
uurdhvaaya namaha
uurdhvalingaaya namaha
Namaha to the highest ( uurdhva ) principle. Namaha to the Linga which is the embodiment of uurdhva
hiraNyaaya namaha
hiraNya li-Ngaaya namaha
Namaha to the One who is Golden. ( hiraNya = golden ). Namaha to The golden Linga.
Namaha to the highest ( uurdhva ) principle. Namaha to the Linga which is the embodiment of uurdhva
hiraNyaaya namaha
hiraNya li-Ngaaya namaha
Namaha to the One who is Golden. ( hiraNya = golden ). Namaha to The golden Linga.
suvarNaaya namaha
suvarNa li-Ngaaya namaha
suvarna = one who is endowed with attractive splendour of an excellent colour ( su-varna = excellent-colour ) ! Namaha to the one with splendour and to The Linga who is the embodiment of splendour
divyaaya namaha
divya li-Ngaaya namaha
divya = Divinity. Namaha to the One who is the very embodiment of divinity and to the Linga which is divine.
bhavaya namaha
bhava li-Ngaaya namaha
bhava = source of the universe,of the cycle of birth and death. Namaha to the One who destroys the cycle of birth and death. Namaha to the linga which is the embodiment of bhava
sharvaaya namaha
sharva li-Ngaaya namaha
sharva = One who manifests as dissolution of the Universe. Namaha to the One who is the source for dissolution of Universe. Namaha to the Linga which is the embodiment of Sharva
shivaaya namaha
shiva li-Ngaaya namaha
Shiva: auspiciousness. Namaha to the One who is auspiciousness. Namaha to the Linga who is the embodiment of auspiciousness.
jvalaaya namaha
jvala li-Ngaaya namaha
jvala = one who is radiant like flame. Namaha to the one who is as splendorous as the flame. Namaha ; the linga who is the embodiment of this.
aatmaaya namaha
aatma li-Ngaaya namaha
aatmaa = consciousness which is Shiva. Namaha to The One who is verily manifest as atma in all beings. Namaha to the linga who is verily atma.
paramaaya namaha
parama- li-Ngaaya namaha
parama = Supreme. Namaha to The One who is Supreme. Namaha to the linga who is the supreme Lord.
Consecration of Shiva Linga
etath-somasya suuryasya
sarva - li-Nga(ggu) sthaapayati
paaNimantram pavitram
Holding the Linga in the hand,these mantras ( the 22 names above ) are recited to consecrate ( pavitram ) and install ( sthaapayati ) the linga.This Linga embodies the Sun ( suuryasya ) and the Moon ( somasya )
Note : After the Linga is installed,the five facets of Paramashiva are worshiped with the following verses.
sadyo-jaataya vai namo namaha
Prayer to the western face - sadyojaatam ( creation aspect of Paramashiva ) :
I take refuge ( prapadyaami ) in sadyojaata - who is the source of all existence.Verily ( vai ) , Namaha to sadyojaatam again and again.
bhave bhave naatibhave bhavasva maam
bhavodbhavaaya namaha
Lead me beyond birth ( atibhave ) into the state of bliss and liberation. Do not consign me ( maam ) to repeated birth ( bhava ). Namaha ( namah ) to the One who can lead me through the cycle of death and birth. ( bhavodbhavaaya )
Prayer to the western face - sadyojaatam ( creation aspect of Paramashiva ) :
I take refuge ( prapadyaami ) in sadyojaata - who is the source of all existence.Verily ( vai ) , Namaha to sadyojaatam again and again.
bhave bhave naatibhave bhavasva maam
bhavodbhavaaya namaha
Lead me beyond birth ( atibhave ) into the state of bliss and liberation. Do not consign me ( maam ) to repeated birth ( bhava ). Namaha ( namah ) to the One who can lead me through the cycle of death and birth. ( bhavodbhavaaya )
vaamadevaaya namo
jyeshhThaaya nama-sh shreshhThaaya namo
rudraaya namah kaalaaya namah
kala-vikaraNaaya namo
bala - vikaraNaaya namo
balaaya namo
bala-pramathanaaya nama-s-sarva-bhuuta-damanaaya namo
manonmanaaya namah
Prayer to the Northern Face - Vaamadeva ( Aspect of Sustenance of Paramashiva )
Namaha to
* vaamadevaaya : The beautiful Lord
* jyeshThaaya : ( senior-most ) Who is ever in existence even before creation
* shreshThaaya : (best ) who is noble,most worthy and excellent.
* rudraaya : who is the very life force which pervades all beings.
* kaalaaya : Lord of time or one who transcends time
* kala-vikaraNaaya : who manifests many changes ( vikaraNa = many or variety ) in the evolution of the Universe
* bala-vikaraNaaya : who is the source of many varieties and degrees of strength
* balaaya : who is the source of all strengths
* bala-pramathanaaya : who surpasses all strength at the time of dissolution
* sarva-bhuta-damanaaya : who is the ruler of all beings
* manonmanaaya : who kindles the light of soul
aghorebhyo tha ghorebhyo
ghora ghora tarebhyah
namaste astu rudra-ruupebhyah
Prayer to the southern face : Aghora (The aspect of Dissolution of Paramashiva)
Namaha to all forms for Rudra ;
ghora -ferocious
aghora - non ferocious
ghora tara - very ferocious
To all these forms - benign, splendid and destructive- at all times and all places, I surrender ( ghora and aghora denote two aspects of Paramashiva - aspect of creation and dissolution of the universe )
tat-purushhaaya vidmahe
maha-devaaya dhiimahi
tanno rudraH (f) prachodayaat
Prayer to Eastern Face ( Aspect of Delusion of Paramashiva )
May we know ( vidmahe ) or realise the Supreme Person ( tat Purusha ). For that, may we meditate upon ( dhiimahi ) Lord Mahadeva. May lord Rudra inspire our intellect ( prachodayaat ) such that our intelligence blossoms into wisdom and we get enlightened
Prayer to the above facing iishana
The supreme is the ruler ( iishana ) of all knowledge ( sarva-vidyaa) and controller of all created beings ( sarva bhuutaanaM )
bramhaa dhipatir-bramhaNo dhipatir-bramhaa shivo
me astu sadashivoom
The Supreme is the Lord ( adhipati ) of the Vedas ( bramhaa - bramhaa here denotes the word , i.e, Vedas ) and those who impart the knowledge of the Vedas ( bramhaNo). May that Supreme be benign ( shiva ) to me ( me ) . I am verily Sadashiva described thus and denoted by OM.
( Here,the Sadhaka realises that He is Paramashiva: Aham Brahmasmi ! All descriptions given through the 5 mantras is the description of our true self as Atma - which is Paramashiva. Everything is Paramashiva )
Glorification of Paramashiva
namo hiraNya-baahave hiraNya-varNaaya hiraNya-ruupaya hiraNya-pataye
ambikaapataya umaa-pataye pashu pataye namo namah
Namaha to the One who has golden arms ( hiraNya-baahave ) ; who is the golden hue or whose speech is charming ( varNa means colour or word ) ; who is of golden form ( ruupa ) or whose form is charming ; who is Lord ( pataye ) of wealth and gold ; who is the Lord of Mother Ambika and Lord of Uma and who is the Lord of all beings ( pashu : animals )
R^itagm satyam param bramha purushhaM kR^ishhNa pi-Ngalam
namaha to that Supreme Person -
*Who is the embodiment of the cosmic order ( R^itam) and Truth ( satyam )
*Whose complexion is both dark ( kR^ishhNa ) and orange-red ( pi-Ngalam)
This verse denotes Paramashiva to be the embodiment of the entire wavelength of cosmos.The electromagnetic spectrum within the visible light range starts from the darkest wavelength and then moves to a reddish wavelength.
vishva-ruupaaya vai namo namaha
* Who is a great Yogi or One who has the highest power ( uurdhva-retam )
* Who has odd number of eyes ( viruupaaksham)
* One whose cosmic form ( vishvaruupaya ) envelopes the entire universe
sarvo vai rudra-s-tasmai rudraaya namo astu
purushho vai rudra-s-sanmaho namo namaha
Verily ( vai ) all this is Rudra
Namaha to Rudra.The great Purushha is Himself Rudra- who is the light-consciousness ( maho ) within all beings.Namaha to Rudra
vishvaM bhuutam bhuvanaM chitraM bahudhaa jaatam jaayamaaNam cha yat
sarvo hyeshha rudra-s-tasmai rudraaya namo astu
This material universe ( vishvaM ) and the beings ( bhuutaM ) in this world ( bhuvanaM ) are varied ( chitraM ) and numerous ( bahudhaa ) .
All that are born ( jaatam) and those yet to be born ( jaayamaanam) are Rudra indeed.All (sarvo) this is Rudra and to Him ( tasmai ) .Namaha again and again.
kad-rudraaya prachetase miiDhussh-Tamaaya tavyase
vo chema shantama(gm) hR^ide
sarvo hyeshha rudra-s-tasmai rudraaya namo astu
We worship Rudra
* Who is praiseworthy ( kadrudraaya )
* Who is endowed with knowledge and awareness ( prachetase)
* Who fulfills all desires ( miiDhushhTamaa)
* Who is all-powerful ( tavyase )
* Who bestows all auspiciousness ( shantama(gm) )
* Who reside in the heart ( hR^ide)
All ( sarvo ) this ( hyeshha ) is Rudra
Namaha ( namo ) to Rudra.
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih
Peace , Peace, Peace,
Peace to the body,mind and soul.
Shivopasana Mantra recitation by my whatsapp learner Sravanti Kanagulla
* Who is a great Yogi or One who has the highest power ( uurdhva-retam )
* Who has odd number of eyes ( viruupaaksham)
* One whose cosmic form ( vishvaruupaya ) envelopes the entire universe
sarvo vai rudra-s-tasmai rudraaya namo astu
purushho vai rudra-s-sanmaho namo namaha
Verily ( vai ) all this is Rudra
Namaha to Rudra.The great Purushha is Himself Rudra- who is the light-consciousness ( maho ) within all beings.Namaha to Rudra
vishvaM bhuutam bhuvanaM chitraM bahudhaa jaatam jaayamaaNam cha yat
sarvo hyeshha rudra-s-tasmai rudraaya namo astu
This material universe ( vishvaM ) and the beings ( bhuutaM ) in this world ( bhuvanaM ) are varied ( chitraM ) and numerous ( bahudhaa ) .
All that are born ( jaatam) and those yet to be born ( jaayamaanam) are Rudra indeed.All (sarvo) this is Rudra and to Him ( tasmai ) .Namaha again and again.
kad-rudraaya prachetase miiDhussh-Tamaaya tavyase
vo chema shantama(gm) hR^ide
sarvo hyeshha rudra-s-tasmai rudraaya namo astu
We worship Rudra
* Who is praiseworthy ( kadrudraaya )
* Who is endowed with knowledge and awareness ( prachetase)
* Who fulfills all desires ( miiDhushhTamaa)
* Who is all-powerful ( tavyase )
* Who bestows all auspiciousness ( shantama(gm) )
* Who reside in the heart ( hR^ide)
All ( sarvo ) this ( hyeshha ) is Rudra
Namaha ( namo ) to Rudra.
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih
Peace to the body,mind and soul.
Shivopasana Mantra recitation by my whatsapp learner Sravanti Kanagulla
(1) Verify any audio of Shivopasana mantra you obtain from the net for learning purpose with an authentic teacher.Most of the websites provide recitations which have heavy mistakes.For help,Whatsapp to +60163059916
how do I download a pdf version of this mantra
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt is very hard to understand why the mantra is read-only and not downloadable. This suggests that you want to just show to the world how great your knowledge is. But the key point until and unless it is shared and knowledge disseminated it is worthless selfish glorification
Deletethose who want to learn the mantra can contact me. Simply providing the script will open the risk of mislearning which is something I never want to see. Unfortunately, people just want to venture into knowledge in a haphazardous way. Say whatever crap you want. The script is easily availale. All they need to do is contact me.
DeleteHonor the above comment, you have not understood meaning of 'namaha' by calling him 'crap'. You can say whatever you want to without insulting, be human first, later spirutual/devine.
DeleteIf I was inhumane I would be openly providing script for Veda mantras to mislead people who would then learn them without proper guidance. Your ego in not wanting to learn the mantra under someone speaks a lot about your humanity.
DeleteSai Ram. the above link to download the pdf is not working. Can you make a printer-friendly version? also, i can't highlight and copy the contents to a WORD document.Not sure why the contents are protected.
ReplyDeleteI can’t make a printer friendly version as well. Pl help
DeleteNamaskaram and please accept my gratitude for the post with meanings.
Thank you for your efforts
ReplyDeleteExcellent Work. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt would have been nice if you could allow to download this in the form of pdf.
ReplyDeleteWill be provided only if one is willing to learn.
DeletePlease could you provide file for download - I am learning through Sai Devotee in NC.E-mail
ReplyDeleteFirst send your recitation.
DeleteSai devotees with influence from parthi ( after swami left His body , the adherence to the discipline of Vedas decreased ) recite the shivopasana mantra with substantial svara mistakes.
Unless you are learning from an authentic source, I cannot provide you the script
Sorry Sir I made a mistake in one of my comments in your videos.Shivopasana mantra is in 10th Prashna/Prapathaka,Anuvaaka 16 to 25. My bad !
ReplyDeleteI am Ishani
DeleteHow does shivopasana mantra benefit devotees?
ReplyDeleteRaises your consciousness to realise that you are veily paramashiva with 5x5 = 25 dimensions.
DeleteCan we do japa of this shivopasana mantra for 1 mala (e g. 108 times)?
ReplyDeleteusually veda parayanam is not done as japa because they are recited in high pitch with a very loud voice.. it is called veda ghosha ( announcement of Veda ).In addition,since this mantra is part of the Vedas,it can only be recited once you have learnt the proper pronunciation and intonations.. To recite the whole shivopasana mantra 108 x as a veda ghosha sounds very demanding.. but if one can attempt it - amazing !
DeleteI used to chant this(not correctly) in my childhood but didn't know the meaning. Thanks for translating it.
ReplyDeleteYes, Shivopasana Mantra has very subtly 'hard to identify' svaras which needs experience to master.
Deletehrat work thank you si much jagdish Deshpanmde