Monday, 28 October 2024

Scriptural References for Deepavali

Dīpāvali (दीपावली) comes from the roots:

1. Dīpa (दीप) – From the root dīp (दीप्), which means "to shine" or "to illuminate."

2. Āvali (आवली) – meaning "a row" or "a series".

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

The 36 Tattvas of Shaivism

तत्त्वं यद्वस्तुरूपं स्यात्स्वधर्म प्रकटात्मकम्। तत्त्वं वस्तुपदं व्यक्तं स्फुटमाम्नायदर्शनात्॥ 3
tattvaṃ yadvasturūpaṃ syātsvadharma prakaṭātmakam। tattvaṃ vastupadaṃ vyaktaṃ sphuṭamāmnāyadarśanāt॥ 3

Meaning: The principle (tattva) that assumes the form of reality, manifesting its inherent nature, is called tattva. This principle is the manifest, clear expression of the underlying reality, as revealed by the scriptures

यदच्युतं स्वकाद्वृत्तात्ततः शाक्तवशं जगत्। ततमन्येन वा यत्स्यात्तत्तत्त्वं तत्त्वसन्ततौ॥ 4
yadacyutaṃ svakādvṛttāttataḥ śāktavaśaṃ jagat। tatamanyena vā yatsyāt tattattvaṃ tattvasantatau॥ 4

Meaning: When the immutable (acyuta) deviates from its original state and the world falls under the influence of Śakti, whatever form it may take thereafter, that is considered a tattva in the continuum of principles.

Mṛgendra Āgama, (Mataṅga Pārameśvaram Vidyā Pādaḥ 5th Paṭalaḥ) verses 3 & 4

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Mystical Kedah and My Nomadic Rituals

Image: Kodiang mountain. Let's go catch a geodude.

Rural Kedah is a world of its own. It is heavily concentrated with mysticism. It is no wonder that this kṣetra finds her unique reference in ancient texts.

Monday, 1 July 2024

Nyasam: The Science of Performing Prana Pratishtha on Self

यत् देवं अर्चयेत् त्वात् तद् देवं आत्म भावन

yat devaṃ arcayet tvāt tad devaṃ ātma bhāvana

Meaning: Whichever deity one worships, he must transform into the deity

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Forgotten Deities of The Vedas

* This article will be updated from time to time to expand the list. So keep revisiting!

(1) Dyauḥ pita

Dyauḥ literally means 'sky'. Adding 'pita' makes it 'The Sky Father'.

Saturday, 13 January 2024

How To Do Achamana In Shaiva Tantra

आचमन / ācamana is a tantric ritual which is performed for self purification before the commencement of a ritual. We will look at how this is done in Śaivism.