Monday 1 July 2024

Sakalikaranam: Transforming Yourself into Shiva

यत् देवं अर्चयेत् त्वात् तद् देवं आत्म भावन

yat devaṃ arcayet tvāt tad devaṃ ātma bhāvana

Meaning: Whichever deity one worships, he must transform into the deity

In tantra, we do this through nyāsa. In short, we use specific mantras to consecrate our body so that it resembles the Lord.

The body of the deity is referred to as a mantra maya śarīra, meaning, a body which is made of mantras.

The entire cosmos exists as vibrations. The cosmos is the very manifestation of the Lord. So, the body of the Lord is verily the cosmic vibrations which we use as mantra-s.

We use these mantra-s to consecrate an image ( like a stone ) so that it becomes the deity. This is pratiṣḥtha. Before we do pratiṣḥtha to an external image, we have to do pratiṣḥtha to ourselves.

How do we do this?

There are many ways to perform nyāsa. We can use Veda mantras, the alphabets of samskṛta, different bīja mantra-s etc

In śaivism, we use the mantras which comprises Lord śiva's body. These are referred to as the saṃhita mantra.

The saṃhita mantra consists of the pañca brahma mantra-s and aṅga mantra-s.

The pañca brahma mantra-s come from the Yajur Veda. They correspond to different parts of the Lord.

Video: Yajur Veda's śivopāsana mantra with meanings, which describes the 5 facets of Sadāśiva.

Pañca brahma mantra

(1) Head of Sadāśiva:

ओं हों ईशानमूर्धाय नमः

oṃ hoṃ īśānamūrdhāya namaḥ                 

(2) Face of Sadāśiva:

ओं हें तत्पुरुषवक्त्राय नमः

oṃ heṃ tatpuruṣavaktrāya namaḥ

(3) Heart centre of Sadāśiva:

ओं हुं अघोरहृदयाय नमः

oṃ huṃ aghorahṛdayāya namaḥ

(4) Area below the navel:

ओं हिं वामदेवगुह्याय नमः

oṃ hiṃ vāmadevaguhyāya namaḥ

(5) Upper and lower limbs:

ओं हं सद्योजातमुर्तये नमः

oṃ haṃ sadyojātamurtaye namaḥ

aṅga mantra-s 

(1) Chest 

ओं हां हृदयाय नमः

oṃ hāṃ hṛdayāya namaḥ

(2) Crown

ओं हीं शिरसे नमः

oṃ hīṃ śirase namaḥ

(3) Tuft of hair

ओं हूं शिखायै नमः

oṃ hūṃ śikhāyai namaḥ

(4) Armour

ओं हैं कवचाय नमः

oṃ haiṃ kavacāya namaḥ

(5) Eyes

ओं हौं नेत्रेभ्यो नमः

oṃ hauṃ netrebhyo namaḥ

(6) Arms with weapons

ओं हः अस्त्राय नम:

oṃ haḥ astrāya namaḥ

These samhita mantra-s make up śaiva tantra. They come in many applications. For example, we can attach the astra mantra to a material and project it to disintergrate something, like a negative quality. It is the astra mantras which were used in ancient wars as well.

When we use these samhita mantra-s to transform our body to Sadāśiva, the nyāsa is specifically referred to as the 'sakalīkaraṇam'.

To do this, we have to first invoke the Lord on our hands ( kara-nyāsam ). Then, with the consecrated hands, we touch different parts of our body to consecrate it ( aṅga nyāsam ).

In tantra, we invoke a deity with three principles

a. āsanam ( creating the seat for the deity )

b. mūrti ( creating the form of the deity )

c. mūlam ( breathing life force into the deity )


1. Cleansing and removing impurity from the hands

Using the left hand wipe the front and back side of the right hand once and using the right hand wipe the front and back side of the left hand twice (front once, back once and again front second time and back second time) using the astra mantra. Chant the astra mantra for each wipe: 

ॐ हः अस्त्राय नमः

om haḥ astrāya namaḥ

2. Invoking the Lord on the hands. When we use the  pañca brahma mantras, we arrange the sequence of the 5 mantra-s according to our need. The saṃhāra nyāsam ( dissolution ) is done by chanting the 5 mantra-s in normal order as per Vedas ( from sadyojāta to īśāna ). This is done by renunciates. The sṛṣṭi nyāsam ( evolution ) is done by chanting the 5 mantra-s in the reverse order. ( from īśāna to sadyojāta ). This is suitable for those leading a regular, family life. 

We are now going to invoke the Lord on our right hand. So, bend the thumbs inwards, touching the palms and recite the āsana mantra:

ॐ हां शिवासनाय नमः

om hāṁ śivāsanāya namah

Next, mūrti:

ॐ हां शिवमूर्तये नमः

om hām śivamūrtaye namah

We have created the seat and the form. Now we have to instal different mantra-s on the form which will denote different body parts.

Now, we will invoke the saṃhita mantra onto our hand. I will instruct as per sṛṣṭi nyāsam.

First, invoke īśāna on the thumb. Roll the tip of your index finger from the base of the thumb towards the tip of the thumb reciting:

ॐ हों ईशानमूर्धाय नमः

om hom īśānamūrdhāya namaḥ

Next, invoke tatpuruṣa on the index finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the index finger upwards to the tip of the index finger reciting:

ॐ हं तत्पुरुषवक्त्राय नमः

om hem tatpuruṣavaktrāya namaḥ

Next, invoke Aghora on the middle finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the middle finger upwards to the tip of the middle finger reciting:

ॐ हुं अघोरहृदयाय नमः

om hum aghorahṛdayāya namaḥ

Next, invoke Vāmadeva on the ring finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the ring finger upwards to the tip of the ring finger reciting:

ॐ हिं वामदेवगुह्याय नमः

om him Vāmadevaguhyāya namaḥ

Finally, invoke Sadyojāta on the little finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the little finger upwards to the tip of the little finger reciting:

ॐ हं सद्योजातमूर्तये नमः

om haṁ sadyojātamūrtaye namaḥ

Now, we consecrate our hand which has been planted with the mantra-s which make up the body of the Lord so that the hand transforms into the divine body ( vidya deha ) of the Lord:

Bend both thumbs so that they touch the palms reciting: 

ॐ हां हौं विद्यादेहाय नमः

om hā hau vidyādehāya namaḥ

Next, we consecrate the eye of the Lord with netra nyāsa. Bend the index, middle and ring finger of both hands inwards, touching the palm reciting:

ॐ हौं नेत्रेभ्यो नमः

om hau netrebhyo namah

Now, we bring life into the hands by reciting the mūla mantra:

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः

om hā haum śivāya namah

Next, install the aṅga mantra-s onto the Lord who is now embodying your hands.

First, invoke hṛdaya on the little finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the little finger upwards to the tip of the little finger reciting:

ॐ हां हृदयाय नमः

om hāṁ hṛdayāya namaḥ

Next, invoke the śiraḥ mantra on the ring finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the ring finger upwards to the tip of the ring finger reciting:

ॐ हीं शिरसे नमः

om hīm śirase namah

Next, invoke śikha mantra on the middle finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the middle finger upwards to the tip of the middle finger reciting:

ॐ हूं शिखायै नमः

om hūm śikhāyai namah

Next, invoke the kavaca mantra on the index finger. Roll the tip of the thumb from the base of the index finger upwards to the tip of the index finger reciting:

ॐ हैं कवचाय नमः

om haiṁ kavacāya namaḥ

Next, invoke the astra mantra on the thumb. Roll the tip of the index finger from the base of the thumb upwards to the tip of the thumb reciting:

ॐ हः अस्त्राय नमः

om haḥ astrāya namaḥ

Next, with hands in namaskāra mudra recite:

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः

om hāṁ haum śivāya namah

शक्तये वौषट्

śaktaye vaușaṭ

Next, roll both hands around each other in forward direction reciting:

ॐ हैं कवचाय नमः

om haiṁ kavacāya namaḥ

As you do this, visualize a divine effulgence that fills the hands and space as the hands go around each other.

Finally, with the namaskāra mudra, recite:

ॐ हां हौं शिवाय नमः

om hāṁ haum śivāya namah

aṅga nyāsam

With the consecrated hand, we are going to consecrate our body to resemble the Lord.

Touch the tip of the thumb and ring finger. This is the divya mudra. Touch the heart centre. To know the location of the heart centre, click here. Recite:

ॐ हां शिवासनाय नमः

om hām śivāsanāya namaḥ

ॐ हां शिवमूर्तये नमः

om hāṁ śivamūrtaye namaḥ

Now using the respective digits which embody the respective pañca brahma mantra-s, you will consecrate different parts of your body. 

First, touch your head with the thumb ( which we invoked with īśāna ) and recite:

ॐ हों ईशानमूर्धाय नमः

om hom iśānamūrdhāya namah

Next, make contact between the tip of the index finger and thumb. The index finger was invoked with tatpuruṣa. Touch the face. We usually do this by touching the skin above the upper lip. Recite:

ॐ हे तत्पुरुषवक्त्राय नमः

om hem tatpuruṣavaktrāya namaḥ

Next, bring the tip of the middle finger and thumb together. The middle finger embodies Aghora. Touch the chest reciting:

ओं हुं अघोरहृदयाय नमः

oṃ huṃ aghorahṛdayāya namaḥ

Next, bring the tip of the ring finger and thumb together. The ring finger embodies Vāmadeva. Touch the area  below your navel reciting:

ॐ हिं वामदेवगुह्याय नमः

om hiṁ vāmadevaguhyāya namaḥ

Finally, bring the tip of the little finger and thumb together. The little finger embodies Sadyojāta. Touch both shoulders and both knees reciting:

ॐ हं सद्योजातमूर्तये नमः

om haṁ sadyojātamūrtaye namaḥ

Next, with the thumb and ring finger in contact, touch the heart centre where you placed the āsanam and mūrti reciting:

ॐ हां हौं विद्यादेहाय नमः

om hāṁ hauṁ vidyādehāya namaḥ

Next, with the index finger touching the right eye, with the ring finger touching the left eye and the middle finger touching the third eye ( the point between the eyebrows), recite:

ॐ हौं नेत्रेभ्यो नमः

om hau netrebhyo namaḥ

Next, with the little finger and thumb, touch the chest. We have invoked the hṛdayā mantra on the little finger. Recite:

ओं हां हृदयाय नमः

oṃ hāṃ hṛdayāya namaḥ

Next, with the ring finger, in which we have installed the śiraḥ mantra, touch the crown and recite:

ओं हीं शिरसे नमः

oṃ hīṃ śirase namaḥ

Next, with the middle finger which is embodying the śikha mantra, touch the tuft of hair and recite:

ओं हूं शिखायै नमः

oṃ hūṃ śikhāyai namaḥ

Nex, with the index finger which has been consecrated with the kavaca mantra, extend only the index finger on both hands. Make a circular motion with both hands around your head, visualizing a protective aura around you. Recite:

ओं हैं कवचाय नमः

oṃ haiṃ kavacāya namaḥ

Next, we are going into invoke astra mantra into our hands, equivalent to equipping ourselves with the weapons of the Lord. With the tip of the right hand ring finger touch the left palm and then with the tip of the left hand ring finger touch the right palm chanting the mantra:

ओं हः अस्त्राय नमः

oṃ haḥ astrāya namaḥ

With these, we have consecrated our whole body with the mantras which constitute Sadāśiva's body.

We will do some additional kriya-s to conclude the nyāsam.

We want to ward of negativities and hostile energies which surround us. So, with the index, ring and middle finger of the right hand, hit the left palm thrice reciting the astra mantra: 

ओं हः अस्त्राय हुम्फट्

oṃ haḥ astrāya humphaṭ

Then, lock all eight directions so that no external unwanted forces distract or enter the divine space. With the index finger and thumb in contact, snap along the eight directions around the head, starting from Northeast ( you sit facing North ) and ending at North. With each snap, recite:

ओं हः अस्त्राय फट्

oṃ haḥ astrāya phaṭ

This is called dig bandhana.

Conclude by moving your hands from the head to the toe, along the contour of your body, with the contemplation that you are cementing and well adhering the consecrated mantras in your body. Sitting as Sadāśiva now, recite:

ओं हां शिवाय वौषट्

oṃ hāṃ śivāya vauṣaṭ


  1. After doing this sakalīkarana, śuddhi procedures, dhyāna on 5 faced Lord, you have mentioned earlier, pūjā and abhiṣeka with śivopāsana / vyomavyāpī mantra,
    - What japa mantras are suited here besides Pañcabrahma mantras?
    - Is there specific one japa mantra for Sadāśiva for this sakalīkarana
    - Is 10 syllable Rudra mantra or Pañcākṣarī fitting too with above procedures?

    Thank You for explanations!

    1. The whole sequence in Agamic puja is
      2.Adorning the darbha ring (pavitram)
      3.Śuklam baradharam
      6. sakalīkaraṇam (nyāsam / ātma śuddhi)
      7.Converting pañcapātra to sāmānya arghya pātram
      8. RITUAL
      When we say ritual, we generally start with Gaṇapati pūjā , followed by puṇyāhavācanaṃ and the main ritual. The ritual could be a homa, abhiṣeka, kalaśa sthāpana etc. Each ritual has its own flow. Any mantra, both vedic and tantric can be used in the ritual. For example, I can recite a particular verse of Rudram and offer dhūpa. In ṣoḍaśopacāra pūjā, we can offer recitations as we like as well. sakalīkaraṇa is done as explained in this page. No alternative.

    2. Thanks, for your answer! So in ritual part, when we are doing a mantra japa that has its own nyāsam, or chanting verses from Śrī Rudram that has laghu / maha nyāsam, we are doing that nyāsams additionally too, right?
