Tuesday, 20 August 2024

The 36 Tattvas of Shaivism

तत्त्वं यद्वस्तुरूपं स्यात्स्वधर्म प्रकटात्मकम्। तत्त्वं वस्तुपदं व्यक्तं स्फुटमाम्नायदर्शनात्॥ 3
tattvaṃ yadvasturūpaṃ syātsvadharma prakaṭātmakam। tattvaṃ vastupadaṃ vyaktaṃ sphuṭamāmnāyadarśanāt॥ 3

Meaning: The principle (tattva) that assumes the form of reality, manifesting its inherent nature, is called tattva. This principle is the manifest, clear expression of the underlying reality, as revealed by the scriptures

यदच्युतं स्वकाद्वृत्तात्ततः शाक्तवशं जगत्। ततमन्येन वा यत्स्यात्तत्तत्त्वं तत्त्वसन्ततौ॥ 4
yadacyutaṃ svakādvṛttāttataḥ śāktavaśaṃ jagat। tatamanyena vā yatsyāt tattattvaṃ tattvasantatau॥ 4

Meaning: When the immutable (acyuta) deviates from its original state and the world falls under the influence of Śakti, whatever form it may take thereafter, that is considered a tattva in the continuum of principles.

Mṛgendra Āgama, (Mataṅga Pārameśvaram Vidyā Pādaḥ 5th Paṭalaḥ) verses 3 & 4