Monday 27 January 2020

Chamakam Decoded: Get Enlightened Through Desires

Rudram generally refers to Namakam - the potent part of the Vedas which occurs in the Taittiriya Samhita of Krishna Yajur Veda.

Chamakam is always recited after Namakam as a norm. Chamakam is a portion which occurs two chapters after Namakam in the Taittiriya Samhita.

Video above: Rudram recitation by my Whatsapp Veda Learner Ishani Paul

To put it briefly, Namakam ( Rudram ) describes absolute consciousness ( Brahman; God ) as Rudra whom we identify in all beings and elements of the Universe, including ourselves.

Rudram is termed 'Namakam' because of the repetitive occurence of the word 'namaha' ( recited as namo along the mantra as per grammar rule )

We commonly interpret 'namaha' as 'salutation'. The word 'namaha' in a deeper understanding is an affirmation that disidentifies our true self ( Atma ; consciousness ; God ) from false identities. Na-maha means 'not mine' - An ultimate dissolution to break all illusions to identify our true nature as God-consciousness.

While Rudram emphasizes virakti ( detachment ) through the copious utterance of 'namaha', Chamakam seems to promote the opposite.

4th Anuvaka of Chamakam

Chamakam, which is recited after Rudram, talks about all possible human and superhuman desires - good health, wealth, progeny, grains, divine powers etc. The utterance of 'cha me' that fills Chamakam literally means ' may these be mine'.

Chamakam is a path to liberation 

Chamakam liberates you by reorganizing your genetic memory. One of the key factors that delay our enlightenment or realization is the incompletion of desires. We take births after births to find completion to our unfulfilled desires.

When I say incompletion of desire, it does not equate to unfulfilled desire. A fulfilled desire can still be incomplete.

Video : Chamakam by my Whatsapp Veda Learner Smt Kavita

Incomplete Desire

Here is a story for illustration. A renunciate retreats to the mountains to complete his terminal part of intense penance. With the byproduct mystical powers secondary to intense penance, he regains the memories of his past births. Affected by this, he seeks his wife and children of his past birth, finds them, and continues to spends his life with them.

This is the example of 'incomplete desire' - which I have termed. See, the renunciate has definitely fulfiled the desire for marriage. He may have no interest in marriage or family life - yet, a glance at his past memories has sent him forth to get tangled in it.

A Complete Desire - A story for illustration

Now let us see an example of a 'complete desire'. A teen wants to be an engineer. For that, he desires to study a course in a University. He graduates and becomes a successful engineer.

The desire to study in a course is what I call a 'complete desire'. He understands the temporary desire as a means to become an engineer and once his career is achieved, the desire to study at a University simply withers. He does not lose interest in engineering or his beautiful memories during his study. He is so 'complete' with the desire that the need for it is impossible to arise.

This is the state of completion expressed by the Shanti mantra which is recited at the beginning and end of all Upanishads attached to the Shukla Yajur Veda. The Ishopanishad is an example to this: 

''You are complete. There is completeness, here is completeness. From the complete, the complete is born. Remove the complete from the complete and the complete alone remains. ''

Conclusion of two Tales

As we have seen, the completion of desire has nothing to do with attachment or renunciation. The stories given above are just simple examples that can be subjected to change. The essence is to deliver the message.

Chamakam is about using sound energy ( mantra ) to reorganize your Genetic Identity to complete all desires. You are completing your desires with direct interference with DNA.

Sound as the basis of Vedas

Rudram and Chamakam are from the Vedas. The core of the Vedas are sound energy. Ancient Sages who were in penance envisioned the reverberance of the cosmos as mantras. Various knowledge of the Universe was endowed with the sounds they perceived.

Sound energy is like the pendrive that carries the cosmic data. That is how Vedas work.

This is why recitation is necessary to realize the truths of the Vedas.

By reciting the Chamakam, the mantric vibration influences our DNA to complete all possible human desires. As mentioned earlier, completion of desire may not necessarily equate to fulfillment of desire.

Through the recitation of Chamakam, we complete all the desires and that gets encoded within the DNA. As a result, our system cannot be affected by desires. When you cannot get affected by desires, you are just a stone away from enlightenment ( pun intended ).

You can enjoy wealth and all materialistic comforts with all desires complete - meaning, you are like a lotus leaf, ever in contact with water but never wet by it. 

Last Chapter of Chamakam and DNA base pairing

Some years back, a famous article went viral in which Dr. Sasidharan links the 11th Anuvaka ( chapter ) of Chamakam to mitochondrial base pairing.

The 11th Chapter interestingly quotes a sequence of numbers to be fulfilled - without specifying what these numbers actually refer to !

Crude translation : 

Let these be granted to me. One, three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty one, twenty three, twenty five, twenty seven, twenty nine, thirty one and thirty three as also four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty, twenty four, twenty eight, thirty two, thirty six, forty, forty four and forty eight

According to Dr.Sasidharan ,

''these numbers represent a polymer chain of molecules that form 
āpa or water that enables evolution of life and intelligence, and āpa is nothing but the nitrogenous base pairs of the DNA.   The numbers 1 to 33 represent the 33000 base pairs of mitochondrial base pairs of DNA.  The numbers 4 to 48 represent the 48 million nuclear bases of DNA.  The two sets of DNA bases combine to provide sustenance of human wellbeing and onward evolution of human life.  

Source :

The 11th Anuvaka is verily the last chapter of Chamakam. In other words, we see the 1st to 10th Anuvaka describing all the desires and blessings from the cosmos, concluding with the 11th Anuvaka which embeds all these data into our genetic makeup, thus liberating us internally in an ultimatum.

It is indeed a beautiful way to get liberated through desires without any form of residue to it.


(1) Significance and benefits of Shri Rudram

(2) Origin of Vedas - The sound of cosmos

(3) Shri Rudram and Big Bang - The Dance of Rudra


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  3. Michele Valykeo25 May 2022 at 08:12

    Great article. Will read the suggested articles also.

  4. Please let me know your views on what I heard
    An interesting point of view I came across .
    Swamiji was asked “When the essence of our teaching is to renounce our desires why in Chamakam we are repeatedly seeking the worldly objects ?”. For which the Swamiji said
    “ you have come here .
    Before that you left home to come here.
    Before that you had made sure you are free today to come.
    Before that you came to know of the program.
    Before that you called your friend who told you about the program. Before that you decided to call your friend.
    Before that the thought came to call your friend.
    Before that there was something which made this thought arise.

    There is a famous quote “ you can Will what you Want . But you cannot Will what you Will .” In other words, you have no control of the thought which will arise in your mind which then triggers action from you.
    By creating a feeling of contentment, because of the abundance , in your consciousness , only positive thoughts will arise to trigger positive action in you “
