Video: Suryopanishad by my students and me
OM bhadraM karNebhiH shR^iNuyaama devaaH
bhadraM pashyemaakshha-bhir-yajatraaH
O Gods ( devaaH ) ! May we listen ( shR^iNuyaama ) with our ears ( karNebhiH ) what is auspicious ( bhadraM ) and good.
O Gods ( yajatraaH ) ! May we see ( pashyema ) with our eyes ( akshabir ) what is auspicious and good.
O God ! May we sing Your praises
vyashema deva-hitaM yadaayuH
May we glorify ( stushhTu-vaa(gm) ) You.
May we enjoy ( vyashema ) with out strong limbs ( sthirair-a-Ngai ) and bodies ( tanuubhiH ) the lifespan ( yad-aayuH) bestowed on us so that it is spent in harmony ( hitaM - benefit ) with nature ( deva - God ; every aspect of nature is worshiped as God in the Vedas ).
svasti na indro vR^iddhashravaaH
svasti naH (f) puushhaa vishva-vedaaH
May Indra,grant us auspiciousness ( svasti ), strength - both physical and mental,and vsatness ( vRiddha ) of hearing ( shravaaH) which will enable clarity of thought and intelligence.
May Puusha ( Sun ), the omniscient ( vishvavedaaH ) One, grant auspiciousness ( svasti )
svasti nastaarkshhyo arishhTanemiH
svasti no bR^ihaspatir-dadhaatu
OM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH
May Taarkshya ( Garuda ) who fights poisonous snakes,and ArishhTanemiH , who removes obstacles and grants protective armour,grant us auspiciousness ( svasti ). May Brihaspati ( the Supreme Teacher ) grant ( dadhaatu ) us auspiciousness ( svasti ) and success in our study. Peace, peace, peace - Peace to the body, mind and soul.
OM atha suurya-atharvaa~Ngi-rasaM vyaakhyaasyaamaH
Now ( atha ) we shall expound ( vyaakhyaasyaamaaH ) the essence ( rasaM) of the Atharva Veda in relation to the Sun.
bramhaa R^ishhiH
gaayatrii chhandaH
aadityo devata
haMsaH so.ahamagni-naaraayaNa-yuktam biijam
hR^llekhaa shaktiH
The seer ( R^ishhiH) is bramhaa ; the metre ( chhandaH ) is Gayatri ; the deity ( devataa ) is the Sun ( aadityo ).
The basic sounds ( biijam - seed ) for the entire chant are - haMsah,sohaM,agni and naaraayaNa. ( So Ham is also the sound of our breath - So when inhaling and Ham when exhaling.The meaning of SoHam is - I am THAT ( absolute consciousness which is expressed as Lord Surya in this Upanishad )
The Shakti ( Power ) to this Upanishad is the extension of the sound hr,which means the spiritual heart ( hrdaya ).Hrllekhhaa = Hr + lekha = line.
viyadaadi-sarga-saMyuktaM kiilakam
chaturvidha-purushha-artha siddyarthe viniyogaH
The Kiilakam ( pin or key ) for this Upanishadic mantra is the manifest creation from ether
viyat-adi-sarga - Viyat = primordial ether
aadi = pertaining to creation
samyuktam = together with
A kilakam is like a key which unlocks the potential contained within a mantra.
This Upanishad is chanted for attaining the four human goals ( chaturvidha-purushhaartha) of righteousness,wealth,desire for noble causes and liberation.
shhaT-svaraaruuDhena biijena
shhaDa-Ngam raktaambuja samsthitaM
sapta-ashva-rathinaM hiraNya-varNam
chaturbhujaM padma-dvayaa.abhayavarada hastaM
The six ( shhaT ) limbs consists of the seed ( biijena ) with six vowels added.
Lord Surya Narayana ( Sun God ) is mounted on the chariot ( rathinaM) that is set in red ( rakta ) lotus and drawn by seven horses ( sapta-ashva ) - which could represent the 7 wavelengths that make up light / 7 days of the week
He is golden-hued ( hiraNya-varNaM ) ; has four arms ( chaturbhujaM ) and holds two lotuses ( padma-dvayaa ).
His hand ( hastaM ) is raised in blessing ( abhaya-varada) and for granting the boon of fearlessness.
He is the impeller of the wheel of time ( kaala-chakra ).
shrii-suurya-naaraayaNam ya evam veda
sa vai braamhaNaH
Indeed ( vai ) , only ( evam ) one ( ya ) who knows ( veda ) the Lord ( described above ) is a learned person ( braamhaNaH )
OM bhuur-bhuvaH suvaH
tat savitur-vareNyam bhargo devasya dhiimahi
dhiyo yo naH ( f) prachodayaat
We contemplate the glory of Light illuminating the three realms ( gross - bhuur ) , ( subtle - bhuvaH ) , and ( causal - suvaH )
The most exalted ( vareNyam ) Divine is the source of all the three worlds.We meditate ( dhiimahi ) upon the Divine Light of the Sun.
May the Lord fertilize ( prachodayaat ) our ( naH ) intellect such that our intelligence blossoms into wisdom and we get illumined.
suurya aatmaa jagatas-tasthushhash-cha
suuryaad-vai khalvimani bhuutaani jaayante
suuryaad-yaGYag (f) parjanyo.annam-aatma
The Sun ( suurya ) is the inner self ( aatma ) of the world ( jagat ) ,both animate and inanimate.
Indeed ( vai ) , the beings ( bhuutani ) and the fire sacrifice ( yaGYah ) arise ( jaayante - born ) from the Sun ( suuryaad ).
Rain ( parjanyo),food (annam ) and the Self ( aatmaa ) arise from the Sun.
namaste aditya
tvameva pratyaksham karma kartaasi
Salutations ( namaste ) to the Sun ( aaditya ).
You alone ( tvameva ) are the doer ( kartaasi ) of all actions ( karma ).
tvameva pratyakshm bramhaasi
tvameva pratyaksham vishhNurasi
tvameva pratyaksham rudro.asi
tvameva pratyaksham r^Igasi
tvameva pratyaksham yajurasi
tvameva pratyaksham saamaasi
You are the manifestation ( pratyaksham ) of the Creator ( bramhaa )
You are (asi) the manifestation of the protector ( vishhNu)
You are the manifestation of the destroyer ( rudro )
You are the manifestation of Rig Veda ( r^Ig )
You are the manifestation of the Yajur Veda ( yajur )
You are the manifestation of Sama Veda ( saama )
tvameva pratyaksham-atharvaasi
tvameva sarvaM chhando.asi
You are the manifestation of the Atharva Veda ( atharva )
You are the basis for all Vedas ( chhando - also refers to Vedic metres )
aadityaad vyoma disho jaayante
aadityaad devaa jaayante
aadityaad-veda jaayante
From the Sun ( aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayate ) Air ( vaayu )
From the Sun ( aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayate ) Earth ( bhuumir )
From the Sun ( aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayante ) Water ( aapo )
From the Sun ( aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayate ) light ( jyotir )
From the Sun (aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayante ) the directions ( disho )
From the Sun (aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayante ) the Gods ( devaa )
From the Sun (aadityaad ) emerged ( jaayante ) the Vedas ( vedaa )
vaa eshha etanmaNDalam tapati
asaavaadityo bramhaa
The Sun shines ( tapati ) on this sphere ( maNDalam - the earth ).This Sun is the Supreme Consciousness ( bramhaa )
The Sun,representing the illumined intellect,is the basis of our inner self ( antaH-karaNa),the mind ( mano ) , intellect ( buddhi ),consciousness ( chitta ) and ego ( ahankaaraaH )
aadityo vai vyaanas-samaano-daano.apaanaH (f) praaNaH
Verily (vai), The Sun ( aadityo ) is the basis of the five vital life-breaths - vyaana,samaana,udaana,apaana and praaNa.
aadityo vai shotra-tvak-chakshuu-rasana-ghraaNaaH
The Sun is the basis of our five organs of perception or cognition,i.e., hearing ( shrotra ), touch ( tvak ) , sight ( chakshuu) , taste ( rasana ) and smell ( ghraaNaaH )
aadityo vai vaak-paaNipaada-paayuupasthaaH
The Sun is also the basis of our five organs of action , i.e.,tongue ( vaak-speech ), hands ( paaNi ) , legs ( paada ) , excretory organ ( paayu ) and organs of generation ( upasthaaH).
aadityo vai shabdasparsha-ruupa-rasa-gandhaaH
aadityo vai vachaana-daanaa-gamana visargaanandaaH
aanandamayo viGYaanamayo viGYaanaghana aadityaH
Verily ( vai ) the Sun powers our five abilities of perceiving sound ( shabda ),touch ( sparsha ) ,sight ( ruupa-form ) , taste ( rasa ) and smell ( gandhaaH ).
The Sun is the basis of joy ( aanandaaH ) we experience during chanting ( vachana - speech ) and during the pauses ( visarga ) in the flow ( gamana-movement ) of the chant.
The Sun is the basis of our intellectual ( viGYaanamayo ) and bliss ( aanandamayo ) sheaths.
namo mitraaya bhaanave mR^ityormaa paahi
bhraajishhNave vishva-hetave namaH
I bow ( namo ) to the shining ( bhaanave ) Sun ( mitraaya ) who can release ( paahi-protect ) me ( maa ) from death ( mR^ityor ).
suuryaad-bhavanti bhuutani suuryeNa paalitaani tu
O Resplendent One ! ( bhraajishhNave ) You exist for the welfare ( hetave ) of the whole world ( vishva ).
All are born ( bhavanti-become ) due to the Sun and all are protected ( paalitaani ) by Him.
suurye layaM praapnuvanti yaH
suuryaH so.ahameva cha
O Sun ! May I acquire the opportunity ( praapnuvanti ) to merge ( layaM ) with You who is the embodiment of Soham
chakshurno devaH savitaa chakshurna uta parvataH
chakshur-dhaataaa dadhaatu naH
He is the God of vision and Highest source ( savitaa ) of sight ( chakshur-vision ).Please grant ( dadhaatu ) us ( naH ) the right vision.
aadityaaya vidmahe sahasra-kiraNaaya dhiimahi
tannaH suuryaH (f) prachodayaat
May we know ( vidmahe ) or realise the Sun ( aadityaa ).May we meditate ( dhiimahi ) upon the innumerable ( sahasra-thousand ) rays ( kiraNaaya ) of the Sun.
May He fertilize ( prachodayaat ) our ( naH ) intellect such that our intelligence blossoms into wisdom and we get illumined.
savitaa purastaat-savitaa pashchaattaat-savitottaraattaat
Savita- the source of all life-is in the front ( purastaat ) of us
Savita - the source of all life - is behind ( pashchaat ) and above ( uttaraat ) us.
savitaadharaattaat-savitaa naH
Savita - the source of all life - is below ( adharaat ) of us ( naH ).
suvatu sarvataati(gm) savitaa no raasataaM dhiirgham-aayuH
May He enfold us ( no ) from all sides and grant us a long life ( dhiirgham-aayuH )
omityekaaksharaM bramhaa
ghR^iNiriti dve akshare
suurya ityakshara-dvayam
aaditya iti triiN-yaksharaaNi
bramhaa is the one syllabled ( ekaaksharaM) OM
ghR^iNi has two syllables ( dve akshare )
suurya is also two syllabled ( akshara-dvayam )
aaditya has three ( triinNy ) syllables ( aksharaaNi )
etasyaiva suuryasya-ashhTa-aksharo manuH
Thus,this is the mantra of eight ( ashhTa) syllables ( aksharo ).
The formulae is: oM ghR^iNiH suurya aaditya
yaH sadaa-haraharjapati sa vai braamhaNo bhavati sa vai braamhaNo bhavati
Verily ( vai),he ( sa) who chants ( japati ) this always ( sadaa ) becomes ( bhavati ) a learned person ( braamhaNo ).
suuryaabhi-mukho japtvaa mahaa-vyaadhi bhayaat-pramuchyate
When one chants ( japtvaa ) this upanishad while facing the Sun ( suuryabhi-mukho) , he is released from major diseases ( mahaa-vyaadhi ).
alakshhmir nashyati
His poverty ( alakshmiir ) is destroyed ( nashyati )
abhakshhya bhakshhaNaat puuto bhavati
agamya-agamanaat puuto bhavati
He becomes ( bhavati ) free from the sins of consuming ( bhaksha ) undesirable ( abhakshya ) food ( for all senses ) and going to undesirable ( agamya ) places ( sexual misconduct )
patita saMbhaashhaNaat puuto bhavati
asat saMbhaashhaNaat puuto bhavati
He becomes free from the sins of conversing ( saMbhaashhaNaat ) with people who bring us down ( patita ) and of speaking the untruth ( asat ).
madhyaahne suuryaabhi-mukhaH (f) paThet
At midday ( madhyaahne),when one contemplates ( paThet-studies ) on this hymn facing the Sun ( suuryabhi-mukhaH ), he ( sa ) is released ( pramuchyate ) from the five ( paJNcha ) great sins ( mahaa-paata )
saishhaa saavitriiM vidyaaM na kinchidapi na kasmaichit-prashamsayet
One should not impart this knowledge of the Sun ( saavitriiM vidyaaM ) to anyone ( kasmaichit ) who is not (na) honourable ( prashamsayet - praiseworthy ), on any account ( kinchidapi ).
ya etaaM mahaa-bhaagaH (f) praataH (f) paThati sa bhaagyavaan jaayate
When one contemplates ( paThati - studies ) this hymn at dawn ( praataH ) he becomes fortunate ( bhaagyavaan ).
vedaarthaM labhate
He gets live-stock ( pashuu) and attains ( labhate ) the essence of the Vedas ( vedaarthaM)
trikaala-metaj-japtvaa kratushata-phalam-avaapnoti
hastaaditye japati sa mahaa-mR^ItyuM tarati sa mahaa-mR^ItyuM tarati ya evaM veda
When one recites ( japtvaa ) during the three periods ( trikaala -dawn,noon and dusk ),he gets the fruit ( phalam) of a hundred ( shata ) sacrifices.
Only by chanting ( japati ) and knowing ( veda ) tis hymn to the Sun,he ( sa) conquers ( tarati-crosses ) death ( mR^tyuM)
Thus ( iti),says the Upanishad.
OM bhadraM karNebhiH shR^iNuyaama devaaH
bhadraM pashyemaakshha-bhir-yajatraaH
O Gods ( devaaH ) ! May we listen ( shR^iNuyaama ) with our ears ( karNebhiH ) what is auspicious ( bhadraM ) and good.
O Gods ( yajatraaH ) ! May we see ( pashyema ) with our eyes ( akshabir ) what is auspicious and good.
O God ! May we sing Your praises
yaH sadaa-haraharjapati sa vai braamhaNo bhavati sa vai braamhaNo bhavati
Verily ( vai),he ( sa) who chants ( japati ) this always ( sadaa ) becomes ( bhavati ) a learned person ( braamhaNo ).
suuryaabhi-mukho japtvaa mahaa-vyaadhi bhayaat-pramuchyate
When one chants ( japtvaa ) this upanishad while facing the Sun ( suuryabhi-mukho) , he is released from major diseases ( mahaa-vyaadhi ).
alakshhmir nashyati
His poverty ( alakshmiir ) is destroyed ( nashyati )
abhakshhya bhakshhaNaat puuto bhavati
agamya-agamanaat puuto bhavati
He becomes ( bhavati ) free from the sins of consuming ( bhaksha ) undesirable ( abhakshya ) food ( for all senses ) and going to undesirable ( agamya ) places ( sexual misconduct )
patita saMbhaashhaNaat puuto bhavati
asat saMbhaashhaNaat puuto bhavati
He becomes free from the sins of conversing ( saMbhaashhaNaat ) with people who bring us down ( patita ) and of speaking the untruth ( asat ).
madhyaahne suuryaabhi-mukhaH (f) paThet
At midday ( madhyaahne),when one contemplates ( paThet-studies ) on this hymn facing the Sun ( suuryabhi-mukhaH ), he ( sa ) is released ( pramuchyate ) from the five ( paJNcha ) great sins ( mahaa-paata )
saishhaa saavitriiM vidyaaM na kinchidapi na kasmaichit-prashamsayet
One should not impart this knowledge of the Sun ( saavitriiM vidyaaM ) to anyone ( kasmaichit ) who is not (na) honourable ( prashamsayet - praiseworthy ), on any account ( kinchidapi ).
ya etaaM mahaa-bhaagaH (f) praataH (f) paThati sa bhaagyavaan jaayate
When one contemplates ( paThati - studies ) this hymn at dawn ( praataH ) he becomes fortunate ( bhaagyavaan ).
vedaarthaM labhate
He gets live-stock ( pashuu) and attains ( labhate ) the essence of the Vedas ( vedaarthaM)
trikaala-metaj-japtvaa kratushata-phalam-avaapnoti
hastaaditye japati sa mahaa-mR^ItyuM tarati sa mahaa-mR^ItyuM tarati ya evaM veda
When one recites ( japtvaa ) during the three periods ( trikaala -dawn,noon and dusk ),he gets the fruit ( phalam) of a hundred ( shata ) sacrifices.
Only by chanting ( japati ) and knowing ( veda ) tis hymn to the Sun,he ( sa) conquers ( tarati-crosses ) death ( mR^tyuM)
Thus ( iti),says the Upanishad.
OM bhadraM karNebhiH shR^iNuyaama devaaH
bhadraM pashyemaakshha-bhir-yajatraaH
O Gods ( devaaH ) ! May we listen ( shR^iNuyaama ) with our ears ( karNebhiH ) what is auspicious ( bhadraM ) and good.
O Gods ( yajatraaH ) ! May we see ( pashyema ) with our eyes ( akshabir ) what is auspicious and good.
O God ! May we sing Your praises
vyashema deva-hitaM yadaayuH
May we glorify ( stushhTu-vaa(gm) ) You.
May we enjoy ( vyashema ) with out strong limbs ( sthirair-a-Ngai ) and bodies ( tanuubhiH ) the lifespan ( yad-aayuH) bestowed on us so that it is spent in harmony ( hitaM - benefit ) with nature ( deva - God ; every aspect of nature is worshiped as God in the Vedas ).
svasti na indro vR^iddhashravaaH
svasti naH (f) puushhaa vishva-vedaaH
May Indra,grant us auspiciousness ( svasti ), strength - both physical and mental,and vsatness ( vRiddha ) of hearing ( shravaaH) which will enable clarity of thought and intelligence.
May Puusha ( Sun ) , the omniscient ( vishvavedaaH ) One ,grant auspiciousness ( svasti )
svasti nastaarkshhyo arishhTanemiH
svasti no bR^Ihaspatir-dadhaatu
OM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH
May Taarkshya ( Garuda ) who fights poisonous snakes,and ArishhTanemiH , who removes obstacles and grants protective armour,grant us auspiciousness ( svasti ).May Brihaspati ( the Supreme Teacher ) grant ( dadhaatu ) us auspiciousness ( svasti ) and success in our study.Peace,peace,peace - Peace to the body,mind and soul.
Also Read :
(1) Significance of Surya Upanishad
Adapted from : Vedic Chants,Vols. 1-6 Lalitha Vaitilingam , Nirmala Sekhar
May we glorify ( stushhTu-vaa(gm) ) You.
May we enjoy ( vyashema ) with out strong limbs ( sthirair-a-Ngai ) and bodies ( tanuubhiH ) the lifespan ( yad-aayuH) bestowed on us so that it is spent in harmony ( hitaM - benefit ) with nature ( deva - God ; every aspect of nature is worshiped as God in the Vedas ).
svasti na indro vR^iddhashravaaH
svasti naH (f) puushhaa vishva-vedaaH
May Indra,grant us auspiciousness ( svasti ), strength - both physical and mental,and vsatness ( vRiddha ) of hearing ( shravaaH) which will enable clarity of thought and intelligence.
May Puusha ( Sun ) , the omniscient ( vishvavedaaH ) One ,grant auspiciousness ( svasti )
svasti nastaarkshhyo arishhTanemiH
svasti no bR^Ihaspatir-dadhaatu
OM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH
May Taarkshya ( Garuda ) who fights poisonous snakes,and ArishhTanemiH , who removes obstacles and grants protective armour,grant us auspiciousness ( svasti ).May Brihaspati ( the Supreme Teacher ) grant ( dadhaatu ) us auspiciousness ( svasti ) and success in our study.Peace,peace,peace - Peace to the body,mind and soul.
Also Read :
(1) Significance of Surya Upanishad
Adapted from : Vedic Chants,Vols. 1-6 Lalitha Vaitilingam , Nirmala Sekhar
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ReplyDeleteby reciting the upanishad and meditating upon its meaning.
DeleteDhanyawad....This is Great gift to Mankind.
ReplyDeleteVery good reciting and pronunciation. Great effort in giving the meaning of the mantra / Surya Atharvashirsha. This will help people to understand the meaning and recite with devotion. Thanks
ReplyDeletethank u vinnith sir🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteExcellent rendition.. very good explanation to the mantras.. very useful to me.