The Vedas and Agamas are the integral scriptures of Hinduism. While most Hindus seem to be aware of the Vedas and the smritis, the knowledge of Agamas is somewhat restricted to a smaller circle.
எட்டாம் தந்திரம்
பத்தாம் திருமுறை
வேதமொடு ஆகமம் மெய்யாம் இறைவன் நூல்
ஓதும் பொதுவும் சிறப்பும் என்றுள்ளன
நாதன் உரையவை நாடில் இரண்டந்தம்
பேதமதென்பர் பெரியோர்க்கு அபேதமே.
Tirumūla nāyaṉār aruḷiya tirumantiram
eṭṭām tantiram āṟantam pattām tirumuṟai
vētamoṭu ākamam meyyām iṟaivaṉ nūl
ōtum potuvum ciṟappum eṉṟuḷḷaṉa
nātaṉ uraiyavai nāṭil iraṇṭantam
pētamateṉpar periyōrkku apētamē.
sadyojātaṃ prapadyāmi sadyojātāya vai namo namaḥ। bhave bhave nātibhave bhavasva mām । bhavodbhavāya namaḥ
Translation: My namaha to Sadyojata who is the source of existence. Namaha to Sadyojatam. Release me from the cycle of birth. Lead me beyond births into enlightenment. Namaha to the One who can bring me beyond birth and death.
( Namaha comes from Na ( not ) and Maha ( me ). Namaha is an utterance of surrender where we disidentify our false identity and attain complete oneness with the divine )
(2) वामदेवाय नमो ज्येष्ठाय नमश्श्रेष्ठाय नमो रुद्राय नमः कालाय नमः कलविकरणाय नमो बलविकरणाय नमो बलाय नमो बलप्रमथनाय नम स्सर्व-भूतदमनाय नमो मनोन्मनाय नमः
vāmadevāya namo jyeṣṭhāya namaśśreṣṭhāya namo rudrāya namaḥ kālāya namaḥ kalavikaraṇāya namo balavikaraṇāya namo balāya namo balapramathanāya nama ssarva-bhūtadamanāya namo manonmanāya namaḥ
Translation : namaha to Vamadeva, Who is the primordial, most worthy, Who is Rudra, Who is the Lord of time,Who manifests varieties in the cosmos, Who is the source for the varieties of strength, Who is the source of all strengths, Who surpasses all strengths, Who is the ruler of all beings and Who is beyond the mind.
(3) अघोरेभ्योऽथ घोरेभ्यो घोरघोरतरेभ्यः। सर्वेभ्य-स्सर्वशर्वेभ्यो नमस्ते अस्तु रुद्ररूपेभ्यः
aghorebhyo'tha ghorebhyo ghoraghoratarebhyaḥ। sarvebhya-ssarvaśarvebhyo namaste astu rudrarūpebhyaḥ
Translation : Namaha to the ferocious, benign and very ferocious aspect of Rudra. Namaha to all those forms. To this form of Shiva, my namaha.
(4) तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि । तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात्
tatpuruṣāya vidmahe mahādevāya dhīmahi । tanno rudraḥ pracodayāt
Translation : May we know the cosmic being. Let us meditate on Mahadeva. May Rudra inspire our intellect such that it matures to enlightenment.
(5) ईशान-स्सर्व-विद्याना-मीश्वर-स्सर्व-भूतानां ब्रह्माऽधिपतिर्ब्रह्मणोऽधिपतिऽब्रह्मा शिवो मे अस्तु सदाशिवोम्
īśāna-ssarva-vidyānā-mīśvara-ssarva-bhūtānāṃ brahmā'dhipatirbrahmaṇo'dhipati'brahmā śivo me astu sadāśivom
Meaning : Shiva is the ultimate ruler, the sovereign of all knowledge and entities. He is the Lord of the Vedas and those who impart the Vedas. May Sadashiva be auspicious to me.
~ Mahanarayana Upanishad ~
Now let us look at the application of these Vedic mantras in Tantra. We can find the reference in Raurava Agama Vidya Pada, in the 6th Chapter.
The verses below are directly taken from the Raurava Agama.
(1) अथ ब्रह्ममयं गुह्यं शिवकायात्म संस्थितम् । कलाभेदं प्रवक्ष्यामि तच्छृणुध्वं यथाक्रमम् ।।
atha brahmamayaṃ guhyaṃ śivakāyātma saṃsthitam । kalābhedaṃ pravakṣyāmi tacchṛṇudhvaṃ yathākramam ।।
Meaning : These kala-mantras are of the nature of Shiva Himself. These are identical with the divine form of Shiva; they are to be kept secret.
The above verse introduces the sadhaka to the truth of the mantric body of Shiva. We refer to this as the 'Vidya deha' . The word vidya here refers to mantras. That is also why Vedas ( derived from vidya ) are in the form of mantras. The body of Shiva is referred to as 'mantra-maya sharira', meaning a body which is made up of mantras.
(2) सद्योजातश्च सद्यश्च भवश्चाभव एव च ।। तथानादिभवश्चैव भजस्वेति भवोद्भवौ ।
sadyojātaśca sadyaśca bhavaścābhava eva ca ।। tathānādibhavaścaiva bhajasveti bhavodbhavau ।
Meaning : Sadyojaatam, Sadyojaataaya, Bhava, Abhava, Anaadibhava, Bhajasva, Bhava and Udbhava - these are the eight kala mantras pertaining to Sadyojata.
These 8 kala mantras are embedded in the Vedic mantra we saw earlier :
सद्योजातं प्रपद्यामि सद्योजाताय वै नमो नमः। भवे भवे नातिभवे भवस्व माम् । भवोद्भवाय नमः
sadyojātaṃ prapadyāmi sadyojātāya vai namo namaḥ। bhave bhave nātibhave bhavasva mām । bhavodbhavāya namaḥ
For instance, bhavodbhavaaya as a word itself has two kala mantras - bhava and udbhava. Bhava + udbhava = bhavodbhava.
If you notice the Agamic explanation, it is identical with the Vedic mantra we find in Yajur Veda. The Agamas simply help us identify the 8 kala mantras of Shiva which are found in the Vedas.
Similarly, the Agamas give a breakdown of the mantras pertaining to the other 4 facets.
(3) वामो ज्येष्ठश्च रुद्रश्च कालश्चैव कलस्तथा ।। विकरणश्च बलश्चैव विकरणोऽथ बलस्तथा। प्रमथो दमनश्चैव मनश्चोन्मन एव च ।।
vāmo jyeṣṭhaśca rudraśca kālaścaiva kalastathā ।। vikaraṇaśca balaścaiva vikaraṇo'tha balastathā। pramatho damanaścaiva manaśconmana eva ca ।।
Meaning : Vama, Jyeshtha, Rudra, Kaala, Kala, Vikarana, Bala, Vikarana, Bala, Pramathana, Sarvabhuuta damana, Mana and Unmana - these are the thirteen kala mantras pertaining to Vamadeva.
Compare this Agamic verse with the Yajur Veda mantra at the beginning of the article and you will find the resemblance.
(4) अघोरश्चाथ घोरश्च घोरो घोरतरस्तथा। सर्वत: सर्व रुद्रश्च रूपश्च हृदयं विदुः ।।
aghoraścātha ghoraśca ghoro ghoratarastathā। sarvata: sarva rudraśca rūpaśca hṛdayaṃ viduḥ ।।
Meaning : Aghora, Athaghora, Ghora, Ghoratara, Sarvebhya, Sarvasharvebhya. Namaste astu Rudra, Rupebhya - these are the eight kala mantras pertaining to Aghora Hrdaya Mantra. It is to be known that these kala mantras constitute the chest part of the form of Paramashiva.
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