Saturday, 25 July 2020

Four Types of Speech as Per Vedas

The Vedic culture recognises 4 types of speech.
The GaNapati Upanishhad finds place in the Atharva Veda.We find a verse of reference here which denotes the 4 stages of speech.

tvaM chatvaari vaakpadaani

tvam = you
chatvaari = four
vaak = speech
padaani = steps ( levels of speech )

Meaning : You ( Lord GaNesha who is extolled as Bramhan-God in this Veda mantra ) are the four types of speech.As per the Vedic tradition,there are four types of speech which moves from the gross to subtle :

1.vaikharii : Physical speech which occurs through language.Vibration of the oral cavity produces the necessary sounds which form words,which is heard and interpreted neurologically by the listener.

2.madhyamaa : mental speech.Communication that can occur telepathically.Sometimes,people talk through their mind.Mental telepathy falls under this category

3.pashyanti : Pashyanti means 'to see'.This is in reference to the 'seers' of the Vedas.The person who hears a particular Veda mantra is called a Rishi ( The Rishi for the GaNapati Upanishhad is Sage GaNaka )

The entire universe is a reverberation.Reverberation means sound energy.The ancient sages downloaded the truths and knowledge of the Universe in the forms of sounds which they 'envisioned' and 'saw'.This mode of communication is pashyanti.

This was how the Vedas were downloaded and revealed to Planet Earth.

4.paraa : This is the 'wordless' communication.This is the communion with the absolute consciousness beyond the frame of time and space matrix.It is a state.It is the speech of absolute silence.

     Video : GaNapati Upanishhad by Whatsapp Veda Learner Shravanthi


(1) Significance of gaNapati Upanishhad

(2) Word to word meaning and commentary on the Upanishhad

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