Friday, 22 May 2020

Differences Between Krishna and Shukla Yajur Veda

Downloading The Cosmic Data From Akasha

The Vedas ( cosmic truths ) were downloaded in the form of sounds ( mantras ) which we heard by many Rishis throughout history.The entire Universe is a reverberation ( sound energy ).

These ocean of vast cosmic truths were orally recited and passed on generations after generations.This was how the huge ocean of Veda were preserved.

The very Avatar of Lord Vishnu - who happened as Krishna Dvaipayana ( His birth name ) , commonly referred to as Veda Vyasa compiled the Vedas systematically.

Having mastered the entire Vedas,he grouped the mantras which were received by the Rishis into 4 'buckets'.

He classified the mantras which were in the form of chandas ( a particular length ) ,pertaining to a particular deity or truth into a bucket.This bucket is Rig Veda.The verses in Rig Veda are called 'Riks'.A compilation of Riks is a suktam ( Eg,Rudra Suktam is a compilation of Riks that describe the truths of the cosmos in the form of Rudra )

The mantras that denote the rituals in a Yajna were grouped as Yajur Veda.A lot of Riks are found in Yajur Veda too but they are recited differently.Yajur style and Rig style differ in recitation.

A portion of the Rig Veda itself, sung in a particular musical fashion were grouped into Saama Veda.Technically,Saama Veda is almost a part of Rig Veda that is sung in a unique manner.All forms of music arose from the svara-s of Saama Veda.

Video : Gayatri Mantra,downloaded as a Rik by Brahmarishi Vishvamitra sung in Saama format.

The mantras that were peculiar,commonly denoting the art of weaponry,tools,magic were grouped as Atharva Veda.

The 4 Vedas had four types of mantras within them :

Each of these Vedas contained mantras which were classified into :

The Samhita or mantra bhaaga whic denote the original texts.They can be in the form of both Yajur or Rik mantras.

The Brahmana Bhaaga which denote the application and commentaries of the original text ( samhita )

The Aranyaka which denote lessons which were learnt in the forests ( indicating discipline and secrecy )

The Upanishads which give the conclusion of a Vedic Truth.It relates to Atma Vidya ( I am THAT )

My Whatsapp Veda Learner Shravanti reciting a portion from the Taittiriya Aranyaka of Krishna Yajur Veda - It contains the specific sound formulae that destroys all forms of germs.These mantras used to be secretive,only learnt and practiced by those who retreated to the forest regions.

In addition,each of these 4 Veda had many branches called Shaakhas.For example,the famous Taittiriya Upanishad of Yajur Veda belongs to the Taittiriya Shaakha of Krishna Yajur Veda.

Shri Suktam belongs to the Bashkala Shaakha ( which is now extinct ) of Rig Veda.

Rig Veda Shaakhas

Splitting of the Yajur Veda.

The Taittiriya Shaakha of Yajur Veda is a little unique.The samhita ( mantra bhaaga ) and Brahmana Bhaaga are not well defined or partitioned.There is no clear boundary between these 2 types of mantras in this Veda.

My Whatsapp Veda learning reciting a portion from the Taittiriya Brahmana Bhaaga which speaks about realisation of Atma.This portion is used to transform the subtle body into Rudra in a ritual called Mahanyasam.It is done before the commencement of a grand Rudra Yajna.

Because of this,the term Krishna Yajur Veda arose.Krishna here does not mean 'black'.It means 'unclear'.The samskrta word for 'kicchdi' is 'Krishna'.This is not black vs white as commonly misinterpreted.

The Kichdi dish - which can be used as an analogy to describe the Krishna Yajur Veda.There is no clear demarcation between the black and white ingredients.They appear freely mixed

However,the Shukla Yajur Veda has Shaakhas which clearly define which are the Mantra Bhaaga and Brahmana Bhaaga.Hence the term 'Shukla' which means bright or white.


1 comment:

  1. Where will the Bodhayan swrasutras fit in this tree structure? Becasue Brahmins from Ahicchdra (Uttara pradesh) follow Bodhayana Sutranvita.. descendants of them migrated to coastal Karnataka and called Havyaka Brahmins
