Saturday, 8 September 2018

Mantrapushpam decoded - Secrets of 5 Elements From Vedas

Video : Mantrapushpam recitation by my Whatsapp Veda learner

Mantra Pushpam is part of the Krshna Yajur Veda,Taittiiriya Shaakha. You would have heard its recitation in temple pujas and rituals.

Introduction to Vedas 

The entire Universe is reverberating. When there is reverberation, there is sound. In other words, the entire cosmos is simply a manifestation of sound energy. The ancient Vedic sages through penance activated non-mechanical parts of their brains which enabled them to download cosmic data directly. They received cosmic truths in the form of sounds which they heard and saw. These truths were recited as received and passed on generations after generations.

Various truths downloaded by various Rishis gave rise to the ocean of Vedas. Veda Vyasa later compiled these Vedas and classified them.This is how the 4 Vedas came into existence. Each of these Vedas had many branches. Each branch had 4 components : 

(1) samhita
(2) brahmana
(3) aranyaka
(4) Upanishad

Mantrapushpam comes under Aaranyakam ( forest treaties ) - Part of the Vedas learnt in the forest region traditionally.

To briefly put, this portion speaks on the truths of creation. It exerts on how from Atman / consciousness condensed to ether. Ether condensed to air. Air condensed to fireFire condensed to Water. And Water condensed to  Earth. The source of all the elements is the Atman / consciousness Itself.

Atman --> Ether --> Air --> Fire --> Water --> Earth.

How can water be produced from fire, earth from water, and fire from air ???

Rather confusing isn't it?

In fact, many Greek philosophers have similarly propounded on the truths that is embedded in the Vedas as this Mantrapushpam hymn.

A common verse in Mantrapushpam that occurs repetitively : 

Yopam ayatanam Veda
Ayatanavan bhavati.

Meaning : 

He who knows the source of water,
Becomes established in himself.”

To quote an instance, Thales believed that everything came out from water.

Explanation of the interconnection of elements :

Fire and Water :

agnirvaa apaam-aayatanam
( Fire is the source of water )

aapo vaa agner-aayatamam
( water is the source of fire ) 

As the third of the five elements that constitute the universe, fire is the basis of the fourth element - water. The hymn also declares the truth vice-versa : water as the source of fire. You can find this truth by observing nature.

(1) Water in the clouds is the basis of the fire in the form of lightning.

(2) Water in the form of digestive juices is the source of the digestive fire in the stomach.

Air and Water 

vaayurvaa apaam-aayatanam
( air is the source of water )

aapo vai vaayor-aayatanam
( water is the source of air )

As the second of the five elements, air is the basis of the fourth element - water. The vice-versa is also true - water is the source of air, so says the Vedas.

(1) Condensation - Air in the form of water vapour is the source of water in the form of dew and rain.

(2) Evaporation - a phenomenon where water becomes the source for air ( vapour )

Scorching Sun and Water

asau vai tapannapaam-aayatanam
( the scorching Sun is the source of water )

Mantrapushpam also explains as to how the scorching Sun is the source of water.The heat from the Sun is responsible for the water cycle.

Moon and water

candramaa vaa apaam-aayatanam
( the Moon is the source of water )

aapo vai candramasa aayatanam 
( water is the source of the Moon )

Further,the Vedas through Mantra pushpam declare that the moon is the source of water.

The Moon's movements are responsible for the rise and fall of tides all over the world.The Moon is thus,the basis of water.Water is the source of the Moon based on the legend that says the Moon rose like a lotus flower during the churning of the milky ocean ( from the Hindu Puranas )

Stars and water

nakshatraaNi vaa apaam-aayatanam 
( the stars are the source of water )

Stars or the constellations we see in the skies are the sources of the creation. The biological and animal kingdom owe their existence to the stars. Water in the form of rain, is produced on earth due to the revolvement of the Earth around the Sun and its rotation about its axis. Thus,stars become the source of water.

Clouds and water

parjanyo vaa apaam-aayatanam
( clouds are the source of water )

aapo vai parjanyasyaa.a.ayatanam
( water is the source of clouds )

Clouds produce rain. Water in turn,is the origin of rain-bearing clouds.

Time and water

samvatsato vaa apaam-aayatanam
( time in the form of year and season is the source of water )

aapo vai samvatsaras-yaayatanam
( water is the source of time )

Time, in the form of seasons, is the cause for water cycle and flow of water - which regenerates water.The degree of presence or absence of water in turn,affects the seasons of the year.

Profound dimension of Mantrapushpam :

All the 5 elements emerge from Atman ( God / consciousness ).Atma is all-pervasive and all-inclusive.The energy of this state is pure love

Love is the water of life.God is love.Love is God - Sathya Sai Baba.

Across the Vedas,water is used to represent the absolute consciousnessv- which is a wave , fluid.

( Love here can also be equated to the realisation of Self - the state of God in man )

yo.apaam pushhpam veda
pushhpavaan prajaavaan pashuman bhavati

( The entire Universe is made of water which is the basis of  everything.When one knows the secrets of the flowers of water,his heart blossoms and he is blessed with flowers and cattles ).

Flower ( Pushpam ) refers to the spiritual heart ( the heart where God is seated ) . This flower will never fade away. - Baba

Knowing this,we can express the repeated lines in the hymn as '' Only one who knows the source of Love - God,attains that source - God ''.

As the Upanishads declare - One who knows God becomes God.

Fire and Water

Fire also refers to light or knowledge.Knowledge is the basis of Love.In any relationship,understanding is very important.Adjustment without understanding is not good.Understanding leads to automatic adjustment and love.Thus,knowledge is the basis of Love.

Love is the greatest motivator.Love for any object propels us to know more about the object.Thus,love is the basis for knowledge.

Air and water

Air moves about freely everywhere without any restrictions.It represents expansion and absence of limiting boundaries.Such expansion is the source of Love.Universal and selfless Love in turn is the basis of all expansion.

Scorching Sun and water.

The word used for the scorching Sun ( tapta ) also means intense penance.Intense effort or penance is the basis for Love and love is the primary motivation for the intense effort.

Sun also represents our vision.Our vision sharpens our love and love in turn shapes our vision.

Moon and water

The moon represents the mind and thoughts. This is well proclaimed in the Vedas.The Purusha Suktam states : candrama manaso jataH. As we think, so do we become. Our minds shape our perception of our world. Mind is thus the basis of what we love and love is also the basis of our thoughts.

Stars and Water

Stars shine brightly, dispelling darkness and acting as a navigator in the darkness of the night. They represent the ability within each one of us to act as beacon lights amid the darkness of hatred, divisiveness and ignorance.

Clouds and Water

Clouds are the reservoir of water.But they do not keep any water to themselves.They share all their water as rain.Thus,they represent selflessnes.Selfishness and pure love do not go together.Selflessness is the basis of love and love is the foundation for selflessness.

Time and water

With time,all have to realise that we are embodiments of love.Thus,time is the basis of love.

Every being has to eventually get enlightened after innumerable births to realise Himself as God.

                             MIND-BLOWN ? 

Adapted from,Vedic Chants,Vols. 1-6 Lalitha Vaitilingam , Nirmala Sekhar

Video : My Whatsapp Veda Student Rahul reciting Mantrapushpam

Why recite it? Can't I just go through the meanings?

The beauty of Vedas lies in its sound aspect. Vedas are literally the sound waves that reverberate with the cosmos. They were heard by ancient Sages who then orally transferred this sound-bound knowledge to disciples. This is why they are known as Shrutis ( that which was heard ). This is also why Veda chanting is bound to intonations ( uprise and downfall of pitches). Other forms of prayers which are not from Vedas do not have this rule ( eg.Lalita Sahasranamam )

If you read, it is nothing different from reading a good philosophy.No experience in you is triggered. If you chant it, the truths of the Vedas are realized by the very reciter.

Reading and knowing is different from reciting and letting the sound of the Vedas erupt the very experience in you.

The mantra ( sound energy ) is the pendrive through which cosmic data is transferred into the chanter.



  1. Very very beautiful and enlightening. Thank you for sharing. Shanti Juluru

  2. Excellent explanation.I have been searching for explanation of mantrapushpam since years At last I could find one taday I am very grateful sirs.
