Monday, 30 May 2016

Lalita Sahasranama - Importance and Benefits

Lalita Sahasranama refers to the 1000 names of the Divine Mother.
( Sahasra = 1000 ; nama = names )

 Video above: Lalita Sahasranama recitation by my online student, Rezzan Azar from Turkey,

Lalita Sahasranamam is an important Shakta hymn.

This Sahasranama occurs as a conversation between Lord Hayagriva (a form of Lord Vishnu with a horse head; some Vaishnavites infer it to be a Sage with a mutual name ) and Sage Agastya in the Brahmanda Purana. Sage Agastya was initiated into these 1000 names by Lord Hayagriva.

There are 84 Shlokas ( verses ) in the Brahmanda Purana which speak about the benefits of reciting Lalita Sahasranamam, as expounded by Lord Hayagriva.

Lord Hayagriva

Today, we have access to Lalita Sahasranamam only because Veda Vyasa ( the compiler of Vedas ) propagated and conveyed it to humanity.  

Benefits of Chanting Lalita Sahasranamam - As explained by Lord Hayagriva Himself

It has to be noted that true recitation consists of selfless devotion to Divine Mother

All diseases will vanish and long life is assured to one who recites it on a full moon day

Reciter gets the benefit of taking 1 crore baths in the Ganges.

One gets the benefit of establishing 1 crore Shiva Lingas.

One gets the benefit of feeding 1 crore Brahmins during a time of famine.

One gets the benefit of teaching 1 crore students.

Fever shall vanish if you touch your head and recite these 1000 names.

Should one touch the holy ash, and chant these 1000 names and apply them, all diseases shall vanish. 

To escape planetary affects ( Graha dosha, Shani dosha, Kala Sarpa dosha, etc ), one can store water in a pot, chant the 1000 names, and finally sprinkle the energized water on himself.

For the blessing of a son, a lady can chant these 1000 names and offer butter to the Divine Mother ( Cure for subfertility or infertility )

Face the palace and recite these 1000 names to impress a king or minister. The royal authority would approach you and ask about your needs.

A reciter of Lalita Sahasranamam cannot be affected by black magic. Lord Hayagriva reveals that Pratyangira Devi will protect those who recite these 1000 names.

Dikpaalakas ( Guardians of Direction ) will help one who recites these names.

If you read this daily for 6 months,  Lakshmi Devi will permanently reside in your house.

If you read it daily for a month or at least 3 weeks, Goddess Sarasvati will manifest in your speech.

A person of middle age who suddenly gets to know of this sahasranama and starts adhering to its recitation will have his sins pardoned.

Wild animals will not harm the reciter

The reciter will have a positive ambience around him which will be pleasant to the people surrounding him

Regular chanting of Shri Lalita Sahasranama is as beneficial as visiting religious places, taking bath in a holy river, and offering food and materials. 

Regular chanting of Shri Lalita Sahasranama will ward off backpulls from incomplete prayers or rituals.It will also form a way of penance.

Regular chanting of Shri Lalita Sahasranama will prevent premature death and provide a long and contended healthy life. Fever can be cured by religiously chanting Sree Lalita Sahasranamam by touching a person's forehead.The vibhuti used for Shri Lalita Sahasranama archana can be applied on the forehead, which will give much relief to fever and headache.

It is said that if a person chants Shri Lalita Sahasranama keeping in mind a picture of Shri Lalita Devi presiding in the milky ocean - ksheera samudra which contains `Amrita ( divine nectar )', he will be cured of any kind of disease related to poison.

It is said that if a person consumes ghee, which is kept while chanting Shri Lalita Sahasranamam, he will be cured of impotency and will have children.

Through the regular chanting of Shri Lalita Sahasranamam, the atmosphere will be purified. Divinity will be awakened in a person.

Shri Lalita Devi will protect a person who regularly chants Shree Lalita Sahasranamam from accidents and from the attack of enemies and will make him victorious.

Regular chanting of Shri Lalita Sahasranamam will make a person blessed with word power, fame, good will etc. Particular importance should be given to chant Shri Lalita Sahasranamam on Fridays 

It is very beneficial if all members of the family unite and chant this sahasranamam in unison.It brings about unity and peace in family.

In homes where Shri Lalita Sahasranamam is chanted regularly, there will never be any shortage of the basic necessities of life.

Each name by itself is a powerful mantra which confers eminent goodness.

One is strongly encouraged to recite on full moon day and Fridays.

 For Learning  :

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  1. Is listening to this is as equal to chanting? I find it difficult to chant. Mispronunciation is the major cause.

    1. Watch this video to learn vedic pronunciation :

      I have given the best script in the article itself.So it shouldn't be a problem.

  2. Will mispronunciation leads to negative effects?

    1. You won't derive to full effects.So it is always best to chant correctly.

      If you need guidance as to check whether your chanting is right , send an audio of your chanting via whatsapp to +60163059916 or email to

  3. Great article about the lalitha Sahasranamam importance. Thanks for sharing the article.
    here I would like to share information on "when to read lalitha sahasranamam".

  4. Thank you kindly for this excellent presentation!

  5. Father ppassed away 5days back. Can I chant befoore 11 Days/?

    1. You can chant it anytime.Any person leaving their mortal coil has no restriction to chanting any vedic hymn or mantra.

  6. Can one chant just ONE Nama for a particular result? I heard even one Nama out of the 1000 is powerful in and of itself. Is this true?

  7. Can i chant this mantra for long life of my husband?Our Astrologies mismatch and we got married

    1. Yes... Importantly bring in devotion in your prayer.Trust the Supreme Mother

  8. I like lalithasahasranamam every Friday my group telling at temple that is peaceful my mind

  9. Can I become rich after chanting this? How many times will I need to chant this to get the benefits?

    1. She is the supreme goddess of the universe and only she can decide when/if she can make you rich. One cannot say "chanting these many times" will give you her blessings. The karmic account is also looked at before she decides to grant anyone anything.

    2. If you are planning to use this great vedic treasure to seek materialistic wealth... you better leave it..

  10. Jai Mata Rajrajeswari.Endless love to Shiv-Shakti can reduce all sins in one life? I want to to be a flower of Mata Adishakti's Shri Shri Charan?

    1. Your devotion and intense yearning for the divine itself destroys your 'sins' to ashes..

  11. If anyone doing puja of Mata Shri Shri Yantram by this Stotram like Aum Chidagni Kunda Sambhutayey Shri Padukaye Pujayami Namah By Mata Puja Bij Mantra Aim Hreem Shreem like Aum Aim Hrim Shrim Lalita Maha Tripura Sundaryey Chidagni Kunda Sambhutayey Namah Shri Padukam Pujayami Namah during Solar or Lunar Eclipse by any Bramhins if there is a Sin?

    1. Better consult a shakta or devi ubasagar regarding this.
      From my perspective - no.. but since I am not a shakta do not take my words...

  12. when i visiting this site I found cool and interesting here keep sharing kindly check it out
    tamil hanuman chalisa

  13. bro got it it was much lower below waka waka ehehehee

  14. Pls send each one naamas lalithasahasranamam benfits 1000 namas for fullfillwishes and chanting niyamas

  15. Each one naamam benfits and meaning pls send and chanting niyamas

    1. I already added at the end of the article..Please recheck

  16. Namaste,

    I have prayed to Matha Lalithambika by chanting Lalitha Sahasranama during my times of postpartum depression and stress. But, on one occasion, due to some family issue, i burst out in anger and sorrow. This my in laws believed that is due to my chanting Lalitha Sahasranama. I couldn't bear this. They keep telling me that chanting LS is not good for their family and all their grandparents & Great grandparents have tried to chant but obstructed with various reasons. (once their grandfather cut off his fingers while cutting vegetables, which they believed was due to chanting LS). MY in laws family are strenuous believer and reader of Vishnu Sahasranama, but are not ready to accept LS or allowing me to read. Please help me out. Is there anything like one particular God will not be good for a family? I am confused and surprised. My maternal family reads all slokas including VS and LS.

    1. This is utter stupidity.. and a very great insult to Lalitha Devi...

      Please continue chanting with devotion to Devi.

      There is a possibility that your in laws are strict vaishnavites..endowed with fanaticism and this may be an excuse to drag you away from Shakti Worship ...

    2. Some times I also had this wrong fear, which I feel is wrong, Mother can never do wrong to children. Yes, it may be true as per Kul Parampara, ones family chants Sri Vishnu Sahastranaam. One can chant both as She is Padmanaabhsahodri and Govindroopini and Vishnuroopini, Vaishnavi, Narayani, Vishnumaya. Anything done with Aart Bhava and Shraddha cant do any wrong. Yes, sometimes passing through our Karma can worry us, but have faith on lotus feet of Mother and our maternal uncle Lord Shri Hari.

  17. I how many months and time required to chant one crore lalitha sahasranam

    1. Chanting with fullest devotion and love is equivalent to reciting it infinite number of times.

  18. Please tell me mantra for getting good job in lalitha namas i swa6 years back in vaartha paper but I lost that mantras papers

  19. Hi, something always pushes me to chant Lalitha Shahasranama .like in the midnight I wake up .. something strange pushes me to chant Lalitha Shahasranama.i feel it's not the right time to chant.also due to my office work I get completely tied up.and not able recite shasranama.i work in one of the top European bank.sometimes feel like leave everything and just chant Lalitha Shasranama.

    1. @vinnith -> Thank you so much for sharing such profound knowledge and the essence of a deep yet most powerful secret so beautifully.

      To the unknown writer who works for a top EU bank --> My intuition says that perhaps it's a calling and you should do it.Nothing is as strong and powerful as much as your own deep gut feelings & instincts.One must be extremely fortunate to even have a chance to read / listen or know about Lalitha Sahasranama.

      So if seems to push you it really must be that divine spiritual part of your life where you are going to experience tremendous changes.Especillay now during Navarathri if this push is calling in --> You have to listen to it.

      Thank you once again for a lovely post Vinnith

  20. a few years back ) came to my bed, sat next to me and touched me to wake up. The dream was so real as if someone actually sat next to me, I woke up and just checked my watch and realized it was 5:30 a.m.I was up and awake right at the very minute when I desired to wake up. Later on, I realized it was the Amma herself who visited me. This is just a very small incident from very many, so this stothram is very intense and so much profound like mothers love. One would feel so protected, cared for, nurtured and above all one gains so much Shraddha. Above a ll of this , I had a dream that my mom ( who passed a few years back ) came to my bed, sat next to me and touched me to wake up. The dream was so real as if someone actually sat next to me, I woke up and just checked my watch and realized it was 5:30 a.m.I was up and awake right at the very minute when I desired to wake up. Later on, I realized it was the Amma herself who visited me. This is just a very small incident from very many, so this stothram is very intense and so much profound like mothers love. One would feel so protected, cared for, nurtured and above all one gains so much Shraddha. Above all of this read it, chant along slowly, keep listening, slowly would get there.Do it with all your love & faith it would be heard.

    Warm Regards ,
    Sharmi 😊

  21. Is listening and trying to chant Lalitha sahasranamam beneficial?

    1. listening is the key to recitation.

    2. Hi i would like to proof check the verses of the Sahasranamam i have. How could i reach you? The version I have is in english, as it seems easier for me to absorb it.

  22. Vanakkam Mr. Vinith....thanks for uploading such informational thing on Lalita Sahasranamam. Would like to ask you a small doubt .....2 years back I have got a dream on someone asking me to recite 32th verse from hanuman chalisa....which I haven't start till now. Pls advice me something about it as I'm facing lots of stressful things right now. Can I do that without any guru's initiation?

