Sunday, 24 July 2022

The Method of Invoking Any Deity as Per Shaiva Agamas

 The process of consecrating, invoking, and establishing a deity can be split into three basic components as per Shaiva Agamas. In fact, these 3 components are said to make up the entire Shaiva Agamas. They are:

(1) Asanam

(2) Murti

(3) Mulam


This refers to a 'seat'. Before we invoke and call upon any deity ( regardless of the purpose, be it during a homa or prana pratishtha ), we have to prepare a 'seat'. The Shaiva Agamas elaborate on the deeper truths of the types of seats which are interconnected with the 5 elements and various dimensions of the universe. The Agamas work fundamentally with mantras. And so, the basic way to establish the seat is to visualize and crystallize a seat using a related mantra. For example, for a Ganapati puja, we say ' Om Ganapatyasanaya namaha' ( Om Ganapati-asana-ya namaha ). 


This refers to the form. We have to give form to the divine consciousness which lands on the asana. Every deity has a form. A common example of this is when you mould turmeric into a ball and invoke Lord Ganapati's form into it. The adhered mantra here would be, ' Om Ganapati murtaye namaha', taking the example of Lord Ganesha.


Mulam refers to root. So now, having prepared a seat and given the deity a form, we have to energise and bring life to that very form. We do this by meditating upon the deity and energising the cystallized form with the mula mantra. We can even use a mantra or recite a portion from the Vedas or Upanishads which possibly reveal the form of the deity.

This is the basic and simplest method to invoke any deity for whatsoever purpose. As said, the entirety of the Agamas can be capsuled into the mantras related to asanam, murti and mulam.


In a case of an elaborate kriya, like a homa, the very process of invoking the deity takes enormous effort and time. The asana puja itself can be expanded to intricate details.

But let us say you are doing a sahasra-kalasha abhisheka ( abhisheka using 1000 kalashas of energized water ).. you cannot be possibly spending an hour invoking the presence of a deity into every kalasha. In such cases, we only apply the intricate procedure to the pradhana ( main ) kalasha and simply use the basic method as described above to consecrate the other 999 kalashas.

Also, the person conducting the ritual is of utmost importance. A seasoned Shivacharya who does his Shaiva Anusthana daily and maintains his spiritual discipline will definitely differ from a layman who does the ritual. The very effect of consecration or invocation greatly, or perhaps, only depends on this.

Also Read:

(1) The depth of Asana Puja: Explained in Detail

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