Wednesday 18 January 2017

Shri Suktam - The Sound Form of Lakshmi | Benefits of Shri Suktam

Shri Suktam is a portion from the Vedas associated with Lakshmi.

Shri Suktam is the very embodiment of Shri Devi.Carnatic music has its origins from Shri Suktam.This suktam is also said to hold secret codes of alchemy - the science of converting low forms of metal ( eg.iron ) to gold.

The recitation of this Suktam fills one with the grace of Lakshmi and everything associated with this aspect - talent,prosperity,wealth,knowledge etc

Introduction to Vedas 

The entire Universe is reverberating.When there is reverberation,there is sound.In other words,the entire cosmos is simply a manifestation of sound energy.The ancient Vedic sages through penance,activated non-mechanical parts of their brains which enabled them to download cosmic data directly.They received cosmic truths in the form of sounds which they heard and saw.These truths were recited as received,and passed on to generations after generations.

Various truths downloaded by various Rishis gave rise to the ocean of Vedas.Veda Vyasa later compiled these Vedas and classified them.These is how the 4 Vedas came to existence.Each of these Vedas had many branches.Each branch had 4 components : 

(1) samhita
(2) brahmana
(3) aranyaka
(4) Upanishad

Shri Suktam - the extinct branch

Shri Suktam is recited differently according to different Vedic schools ( eg.Svaras differ in recitation done in Shringeri and Puttaparthi ) because Shri Suktam belongs to the Bashkala Shaakha ( branch in Vedas ) of the Rig Veda which is extinct !

There is no one who knows the Bashkala Shaakha today.So every school has a unique style when it comes to reciting and teaching the Shri Suktam

  Carnatic music has its origins from Shri Suktam

My Whatsapp Vedam student Shravanthi reciting Shri Suktam

What Shri Suktam can Do for You

The Rig Vidhana ( 2.91 ) which is a module for the application of Rig Veda states -One desirous of getting wealth and prosperity , should recite Shri Suktam.

The Phala Shruti illustrates the potent and glory of this Shri Suktam as the very embodiment of Mother Lakshmi.

- Those who recite Shri Suktam will be blessed and will ultimately attain Mother Lakshmi.

-They will be granted all goodness and auspiciousness.They will be blessed with children and cattle.

-They will be granted an unending flow of delight,glory,wealth,grains of food,cattle and progeny

-They will be granted a long life.They will be granted immortality.

-They will have their lives removed of debts,illhealth,poverty,sins,hunger,fear,sorrow and mental agitations for all times.

-They will be blessed with harmony,wealth,longevity,fame and ever-lasting victory.

When you chant Shri Suktam,the expression and energy of Maha-lakshmi flows and fills your space tremendously.

Portions from Shri Suktam are recited in almost all yagyas,weddings and Devi pujas.

This will spike and bring abundance of radiance,wealth,prosperity and knowledge into your life.

Mother Lakshmi is the source and provider of the following enumerated well-known sixteen types of wealth and many more : 

(1) Fame

(2) Knowledge
(3) Courage and Strength
(4) Victory
(5) Good Children
(6) Valour
(7) Gold and other gross properties
(8) Grains in abundance

(9) Happiness
(10) Bliss
(11) Intelligence
(12) Beauty
(13) Inspiration
(14) Noble Character
(15) Good Health
(16) Long Life

Is wealth sin ? 

A misconception about wealth is very much enrooted in many.They believe spirituality and wealth cannot hold hands.This is a corrupted view.

Wealth is wealth.Nothing wrong or sinful about it.Go on and make wealth.Infuse your life with wealth.

Certain spiritual icons portray themselves as poor and beggar-like for reasons.Some expressed renunciation.Some simply had no interest to make wealth.

The essence is that,none of them were against wealth.They just conveyed the message of non-attachment.It was not that Buddha or Swami Vivekananda were against wealth.

The only point to be noted here is not to get attached to wealth ! The problem does not lie with the valued paper,but your entanglement to it.

Attachment can happen with just about anything - humans, food,animals, memories ,  just anything ! 

If you can just remain unattached yet involved,life can be wonderful. You can manifest wealth and channel it for good.

Like like a lotus leaf - Ever in contact with water but not wet by it.

Be actively involved with the world,but not influenced or affected by it. Play your role well on Earth, strive to expand your consciousness and spread the experience around.

Since humans are bad in playing the game of non-attachment,many spiritual schools chose to preach renunciation from wealth.It is an excellent move to a degree but we should not corrupt our views on wealth.

Shri Suktam is what I would call a must to be echoed in every house.

Why recite it? Can't I just go through the meanings?

The beauty of Vedas lies in its sound aspect. Vedas are literally the sound waves that reverberate with the cosmos. They were heard and seen by ancient Sages who then orally transferred this sound-bound knowledge to disciples. This is why they are known as Shrutis ( that which was heard ). This is also why Veda chanting is bound to intonations ( uprise and downfall of pitches). Other forms of prayers which are not from Vedas do not have this rule ( eg.Lalita Sahasranamam )

If you read, it is nothing different from reading a good philosophy.No experience in you is triggered. If you recite it, the truths of the Vedas are imbibed and realised.

Reading and knowing is different from reciting and letting the sound of the Vedas erupt the very experience in you.

The mantra ( sound energy ) is the pendrive through which cosmic data is transferred into the chanter.

Also Read :


  1. Brilliant rendition and tutorial - Shree Sukta. Namaste and dhanyavada

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  3. Yes when child calls the mother of entire universe she comes up with flowing love
