Monday 14 November 2022

Applied Theory of Special Relativity in Tantra

 E=MC² shows us that matter and energy are really two sides of the same coin. The speed of light is constant. So, energy is directly proportional to mass. Mass, on the other hand, defines matter.

 Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Something can take space only if it assumes a property or attribute. So in other words, matter is simply frozen or condensed energy. Absolute energy as it is, takes up no space or form. But the same energy can manifest itself in form by occupying space. The fan, ceiling, and table you see in your room are all manifestations of energy. The air which takes form inside your bicycle tyre is also energy.

 Take the analogy of the formless, boundless water vapour condensing and 'freezing' into a water droplet confined to space and form.

 So, in essence, everything is energy. This is not something new in the Vedic lore. Our śruti-s reveal this elaborately. We know that everything is absolute consciousness ( Brahman). This is why we refer to the observable Universe as 'māyā'. Māyā doesn't denote non-existence but rather, denotes something which is unreal. A stage show is engaging, but it is unreal. The actors ( energy ) manifest a role ( matter ) for a temporary period of time and go back to their absolute selves ( energy ).

The Mahāvākya( Great Statements ) of the Upaniṣats serves as the essence of the entire Vedas. Let us translate 'Brahman' to energy here.

Rig Veda                      Prajñānam brahmā ( Absolute awareness is energy) 

Yajur Veda                    aham brahmā asmi ( I am energy)

Saama Veda                  tat tvam asi ( You are THAT )

Atharva Veda                ayam ātmā brahma ( This Atma is energy) 

The grade of Energy Condensation

The Vedas also describe the intricacy of condensation. We first look at a reference from the Taittirīya Upaniṣat of the Yajur Veda. The 2nd chapter of this Upaniṣat is called brahmānandavalli.

As per this verse of brahmānandavalli - From Atma / Self / God ( tasmādvā-etasmād ātma ) came ether ( ākaśa , often misinterpreted as 'space' ).

From ether emerged air ( vayu )

From air arose fire ( agni )

From fire arose water ( aapa )

From water ( adbhyaH ) came earth ( pR^ithvii )

From earth, comes food which sustains our physicality as matter.

Absolute consciousness --> Aakasha --> Vayu --> Agni --> Water--> PR^ithvii --> food ---> physicality 

Video: Anandavalli, Taittiriya Upanishat recitation by my whatsapp Veda student Kum. Shravanthi

Application in Tantra

Vedas applied as technology is tantra. When you enter a temple, you see the deity in the form of vigraha ( idol infused with life energy ). So the process of energy condensation we saw is put into application.

The process of condensing the deity into a physical form ( in the form of a deity or kalaśa ) is an elaborate process. 

For instance, we create a seat ( āsana ) for the infinite consciousness to take form ( as matter, occupying space ). We have something we refer to as the panca āsana pūja.

Image: Visualization of Panchasana

 We create and crystallize a five-layered seat through visualization. The deity of interest is then crystallized in form as per the dhyāna śloka at the summit of this panca āsana.

 In the tantric scriptures, we have a very important verse which goes as ' śaktyādi śaktyantam āsanam' .. meaning, ' the āsana begins with śakti ( energy ) and ends with energy. 

ādhara śaktyādi kuṭilā śaktyantam, meaning, the energy begins as ādhara śakti and ends as kuṭilā śakti ( on which the deity is made to literally sit ).

From Subtle To Gross

The whole pancāsana concept is about condensing energy into matter to accommodate Brahman in form. The 5 asanas actually represent the five elements and this has significance.

 For this, we have to look at the puruṣa sūktam - which appears in all 4 Vedas and their branches ( śākha).

adbhyaḥ sambhūtaḥ pṛthivyai rasacca

It describes as to how absolute energy, after the Big Bang condensed and took the form of Ether. When pure energy is condensed - it forms matter. The subtlest form of matter is ether.

Ether then further condensed to form air which then condensed to form agni, which condensed to form water, and finally earth.

How is akaśa subtlest and Earth most gross ?

Akasha : 

Can be perceived only by sounds ( shabda ).The Vedas were downloaded as sounds from the akaśa.The akaśa is the cosmic archive that houses all information about the cosmos as sounds.

Air :

Air can be perceived through sound and touch ( sparśa)

Fire :

Fire can be perceived through sound,touch and form ( rūpa ).Fire is the first element to have a form

Water :

Water can be perceived through sound,touch,form and  taste ( rasa )

Earth :

Earth can be perceived through sound,touch,form,taste and smell ( gandhāḥ)

So now you can see why in the pancāsana , the elements are from the grossest to subtlest, from earth to ether. 

In the sūrya upaniṣat of Atharva Veda, we find a verse that goes :

ādityo vai śabdasparśa-rūpa-rasa-gandhāḥ 

Here, sūrya ( sūrya = ātmā = Brahman ) is declared as the very source of sound,touch, form, taste and smell.This again affirms on how absolute consciousness is verily the source of the 5 elements.

So as you can see, the whole science of temple management and deity consecration involves the revered formulae. Our very culture is an evidence to the consciousness of the ancients and the skill they mastered in playing with energy and matter.

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